I didn't happen to go to Vietnam in the most appealing of times, but, it did have a lasting affect on me, I think, in a positive way. As an attempt at explanation, there is a conflicting feeling always in my mind. On one hand I wouldn't wish that type of experience on my worst enemy and on the other hand I wish some really could have used that type of experience.
For those of you that follow some of the more controversial threads on this site, I am thought of in less then stellar feelings. I will admit that I cannot tolerate useless, hyperbolistic viewpoints on things that are not of any real significance or, by comparison, to what could be experienced, anything worth getting all upset over. When an adult starts to get in my face about something that even a child would be wise enough not to be upset over, I get combative about it. I start thinking that some of these people really need to see and experience the other side of life. The side that no habitual visitor to WDW or any other Disney Park can see or understand. To them some minor situation is the end of the world as we know it. Spend some time living in a place where poverty is the norm. Or, perhaps a place where people you don't even know can at any given time blow your brains out with a bullet, mortar or rocket. Maybe a place where not only would the desire to go to something as spectacular as WDW, for example, be unable to even enter the minds of people so far away from dealing with that type of luxury that it isn't even in their wildest dreams. Yet, all we do is find fault.
Because I did experience that life, and admittedly, even though how I lived was far superior to the people that called it home, I had it really good. Experience something like that and all of a sudden your whole outlook on life takes a more realistic direction. Then one can prioritize our life and opinions. How anyone can be a human being with all our faults and shortcomings, can also be critical of a make believe world and demand perfection in that world. People who think they have seen and know everything, but, are oblivious to the world around them and what some people have to do to just stay alive, much less be concerned about an attraction at Disney. So, I guess, that makes me "preachy" and intolerant of the opinion of others. That may be true, but, I can assure you that the vast majority of people that have experienced that seedy side of life are far less inclined to get our knickers in a knot over insignificant happenings in a theme park.