Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
He didn't get the "my god your awesome" response he wanted so he blames this thread now for all "sticking together".
Oy. I raised 2 kids Disney. One kids first trip at 14 months and the other kids first trip 2 months old.
My way of dealing with Disney transportation when my kids were small was if there was not seating I let guests willing to stand pass us up and we just waited for the next bus (and there is always a next bus) where we could safely sit our children down. Funny that the Parent was quick to blame millennials vs the Me First Generation they are apart of. Odd it never crossed their mind just to wait for the next bus so Jack and Jill could have a seat, poor judgement of the parents part.
Pattern: Blame Millennials, Blame the Chit Chat members. Anyone but the Parents.
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