The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
In most of my high school classes, it was a class rule to bring a pencil. Pencil, text book, notebook, homework from the night before. Forgetting any one of them resulted in detention. A couple of classes also required us to bring a book to read if we got finished with our homework in class. I remember a couple of times having to run to the English room across the hall from Calculus to borrow a book because I forgot mine in my locker. My English teacher knew I'd bring it back after class, and it didn't matter WHAT book, as long as I had one. I had a whole pouch of pencils and pens, though, so there were always beggars who had forgotten to bring one asking me if they could borrow a spare. Teachers wouldn't give out pencils or pens because they never seemed to get them back.

I have a supply of extra pens and pencils that I set out throughout the year for the ones that can never remember. I have my own good pens and pencils that I will not lend out because I know I won't get them back, like my Disney pens and pencils. One of the teachers at school goes to Ikea and "borrows" a lot of those pencils for school.


Well-Known Member
Summer is going by fairly quickly, and as far as the heat goes, it has not been that bad. I miss being a kid, and an occasional trip to the beach. Here in Chicago, I know Summer is an almost goner, when the jets start flying over the lake. It hasn't happened yet, but the Air Show is coming soon for sure. My birthday is three weeks from today, and that is also Labor Day. That's the official end of Summer in my book. I need to water the grass today. Still hoping to grow some new grass in all those bare brown spots. Chicago could use some rain.

Read this question today on another forum. After learning that you can get free ice water at any quick service restaurant at DL, the poster asks if that includes the cup? I did a double take.

King Racoon 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
Summer is going by fairly quickly, and as far as the heat goes, it has not been that bad. I miss being a kid, and an occasional trip to the beach. Here in Chicago, I know Summer is an almost goner, when the jets start flying over the lake. It hasn't happened yet, but the Air Show is coming soon for sure. My birthday is three weeks from today, and that is also Labor Day. That's the official end of Summer in my book. I need to water the grass today. Still hoping to grow some new grass in all those bare brown spots. Chicago could use some rain.

Read this question today on another forum. After learning that you can get free ice water at any quick service restaurant at DL, the poster asks if that includes the cup? I did a double take.
Did they think you had to take the water by the handfull :hilarious:


Premium Member
Thanks! :)
And yes, the kiddos do remember a great deal of it and definitely appreciate it.
Funny thing is, when they were little, our kiddos didn't think anything other than this is what all moms and dads do. When they got a little older and observed other families, that was when they realized it wasn't always that way.
As a side note, we also knew 3 other couples where the dad was the one at home with the kiddos, and mom was the "breadwinner".

That is sad about your dad. I don't ever remember feeling like an inconvenience to our pop. As a matter of fact, just the opposite. That's probably where I got it from, although my folks had a different approach (mostly due to the times) than we did. I remember talking with them about it when I was in my early 20's, and neither one of them had a problem with it. It worked for them.
Mom worked at home, pop did the "rat race" ;) to earn a paycheck.
Mom got us up for school, took us to dr. appointments, parent teacher conferences (which were during the day - working hours for pop - then), did the laundry, cleaned the house, made dinner, etc., etc., etc. But, pop did his part, too.
Workaday world, night school to further his career, home maintenance, vehicle maintenance (I remember him being up on more than one weeknight doing a brake job, or replacing a water pump, long after I was ushered off to bed by mom because I wanted to "help dad!"...!!! :hilarious:
They had one joint bank account and one checkbook that mom kept. Pop took sack lunches to work. They went over the checkbook together over the weekends.
Pop also managed to coach all 4 of us (including 12-year younger sis) in baseball/softball and soccer. Heck, myself and both of my brothers even played soccer with him on an IBM team when he still worked there...!!!!! :joyfull: :)

I missed not one single Girl Scout Father Daughter Dance with our DDs, not one school award ceremony, not one choir concert, etc. I knew ahead of time and planned accordingly.

And yes, my job (although DS was only ever bottle fed - with very expensive special formula early on - because he was in the NICU so long), was to go to baby, change diaper, bring baby to mom for feeding, check diaper again after feeding, and return baby to bed.
There were also many times I bottle fed DS in the middle of the night myself.
I remember the black tar/Velcro poop diapers for about the first 2-3 weeks with DDs, then came the larger loads and the odeeeeeeerrr... :eek: :confused:
Good memories...!!!!! :joyfull: :hilarious: ;)

I have a lot of friends who's husbands don't get up with the baby in the middle of the night because they cannot feed the baby. My husband was like you though. He'd wake up, change the diaper, hand her over to me so I could feed her, and then go rustle me up a snack. It meant the world to me that he put in that effort and care.


Premium Member
Be warned there's going to be a big Frozen push in 2019 with Frozen 2 coming out. An animated series launching with the service would not surprise me at all. For a very long while we had Disney Family Movies added to our cable for $7 a month it was worth every penny for a selection of mostly older movies and shorts. My boys got to see what I grew up with:joyfull: My decision will be based on what's available on the service. I'm hoping for a mix of old and new movies and Disney and Disney XD shows for a fair price.

Yep, that will likely definitely suck us back in :oops:


Premium Member
My DD had her days and nights totally mixed up. She was that way before she was born. I'd go to bed for the night and she was brake dancing for hours as soon as I laid down.When she was born I had a five year old that did not sleep when she did so 24/7 one or the other was awake which meant I didn't \sleep for 2 months more than a nap for an hour at best. Disney fixed her. After our first day

I might have to remember this for the mom groups I'm in. Next time someone asks how to get their kid to sleep through the night, I'll suggest a trip to Disney!

Fortunately, DWifey never had any major pregnancy issues. We were blessed. She worked right up to all our kiddos births.
Yet, we both look back on those times and wonder how we ever did it. We love them all, of course, but, so many challenges...!!! :)
And, I don't give a rats rear how corny this sounds, but, it is love...FLAT-OUT LOVE...!!!!!!! :happy:

I worked up to the day I went in as well. I finished work at five pm the day I went to the hospital, even.


Premium Member
Yah, food contamination is scary. I remember one year that alfalfa sprouts were recalled. (I think even now the advice is to cook them, and they are a definite no-no for pregnant women, young children, elderly and anyone with a compromised immune system.)

Another year was the big cataloupe recall. I was surprised about that one as well, as who would have thought anything dangerous could happen to cantaloupe? o_O

When I was pregnant I was told to stay away from hot dogs and the like due to concerns over listeria. But while I was pregnant we had multiple huge listeria outbreaks.... of lettuce, nectarines, ice cream, cantaloupe, and more fresh veggies and fruits.


Premium Member
I went to church this morning and a lady was sitting in my spot, the spot right next to the door in the very last pew. :eek: So I sat down on the other end of that pew and I say good morning to the lady. The lady said good morning and then "oh no I'm in your spot aren't I!?" and starts to gather her things to move. I told her that I was fine and she didn't have to move and it would be good for me to have a new spot as I smiled at her. But inside my head I was like how dare you sit in my spot, and don't do it again or I will sit on you! :arghh: I also didn't want to be the crazy lady who can only sit in one spot.

By the way I survived church just fine in the new spot, probably because it was still in the same pew. :)


I try to buy when I can find it the sugar cane soda vs the corn syrup sodas. I don't drink a lot of soda but my body seems to burn those sugar cane calories either. Just the volume of calories in a can of coke is enough to steer me clear of drinking much.

More evidence seems to be pointing that aspartame messes with your metabolism and kinda tricks your body into thinking it needs to store fat. Guess it is possible that since it is synthetic bodies could react differently to it. Me and my entire family get migraine headaches from aspartame.

When I was pregnant I had Gestational Diabetes and one weird thing I learned was that aspartame spiked my blood sugar, whereas Splenda did not

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