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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm refusing to watch the news for the next couple of days. Nuff said:(

It has been such a rough week news wise from coast to coast and I just saw in my twitter newsfeed a shooting near Woodfield Mall in an area that isn't prone to any violence. We're just off our rocker with craziness.

My thought, stop it, stop it now.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I might have to remember this for the mom groups I'm in. Next time someone asks how to get their kid to sleep through the night, I'll suggest a trip to Disney!
Her first trip at 2 months, after one full day of the MK, in and out of her stroller upset her daytime sleep schedule. She slept completely through the night. The 3 of us were up, Daddy nor I wanted to check on her in her crib (yes disney use to have full sized cribs) so my 5 year old was happy to go poke his Sis, she just lifted her little head and smiled at him. From that time forward she slept through the night but wasn't big on naps, more quick naps like in a car.

I worked up to the day I went in as well. I finished work at five pm the day I went to the hospital, even.

I was 'grounded' at work, they wouldn't let me in the field, I didn't fit behind the wheel of my car, they finally told me just to stay home the last 2 weeks and then he was a week late.

The second one I had so many files to bring up to date, leave notes for other surveyors etc. I took them all home with me Friday (a week before I was due) worked on them Saturday and Sunday at home. Late Sunday night my water broke. Not only did my Mom have to pick the grandson up in the middle of the night she had to take all my files to my office the next day too. (my son was able to push the elevator button and guide her to my office all on his own. 'this way Grandma'


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Way back when, one of my previous dogs got to go to Disney.:joyfull: I didn't have a sitter so I found a pet friendly hotel and my pup stayed at the doggie day care by EPCOT during the day:joyfull: It made for an interesting ride both ways.

My Golden's a pair at once traveled well to the kennel, a bit over and hour. That was their vacation. My Shepard my MIL always watched, she liked to be chased by her cat anyways and I watched her cat when she was gone. Walter, well Walt was pampered. The man across the street loved him but didn't want to commit to a Pup of his own. He'd come over many times a day to let him out, walk him, take him on a field trip to his house and feed him tons of Beef Jerky. Walters favorite non-family member.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I went to church this morning and a lady was sitting in my spot, the spot right next to the door in the very last pew. :eek: So I sat down on the other end of that pew and I say good morning to the lady. The lady said good morning and then "oh no I'm in your spot aren't I!?" and starts to gather her things to move. I told her that I was fine and she didn't have to move and it would be good for me to have a new spot as I smiled at her. But inside my head I was like how dare you sit in my spot, and don't do it again or I will sit on you! :arghh: I also didn't want to be the crazy lady who can only sit in one spot.

By the way I survived church just fine in the new spot, probably because it was still in the same pew. :)

Hmpf. No respect for the Preachers Wife. Hell has no fury........


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
That stuff is appreciated too. It's amazing how kids can remember their smartphones and fidget spinners for class but a pen or pencil eludes them. :rolleyes:

My DD always had tons of pens and pencils. She started taking a text book for collateral to get them back when she loaned them. The ones loaning didn't seem to know the difference between the word loan and gift me a pen or pencil...and I'll ask again tomorrow without returning the one I borrowed.


Well-Known Member
I have a lot of friends who's husbands don't get up with the baby in the middle of the night because they cannot feed the baby. My husband was like you though. He'd wake up, change the diaper, hand her over to me so I could feed her, and then go rustle me up a snack. It meant the world to me that he put in that effort and care.
Yep, my husband did that, too...minus the snack. But hubby is a quick sleeper...his head hits the pillow and he can be out in seconds, unlike me. It usually takes me at least an hour to get to sleep. And if I've actually gotten out of bed, it takes even longer. So it made so much more sense for him to be the one to get up, change the diaper, and bring the baby to me to feed and take him/her back to bed because he'd just go right back to sleep when he was done, where I would be up the rest of the night. I really appreciate that he was willing to break up his sleep like that to make sure I actually got to sleep sometimes. He takes such good care of me!


Premium Member
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11 days until National Dog Day. :)

Deja vu . . . ;) This reminds of me back when hubs and I were dating. We went on a hike up in the NH mountains, and brought his dog, who was a 6 year old, husky mix. About halfway down the mountain, she stopped and laid down. So we rested a while, gave her more water (she drank more water than both of us during that hike, LOL . . .). Finally, all rested up we started back down--but she wouldn't budge! Hubs ended up carrying her most of the way down (we had to stop multiple times, as she weighed about 45 pounds). :hilarious:

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