The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
My husband only goes to women for his haircut too. He says they're more consistent than male barbers.

It's kinda' funny, actually...
The one dude that cut my hair was about a year ago. I was a walk-in. I have no problem with dudes cuttin' my hair. They just usually seem to be workin' the front, though, and not cuttin' hair. This dude was good, and I went back a few months later to the same place in our local mall hopin' he was still there, and the place was closed. Bummer.
Been goin' to the local Sport Clips since.
All ladies, and they are definitely consistent...! :)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Meh . . . 4 times . . . Tour de France. Oh, big deal. ;)

I ride a bike, too. Rode to church this morning, then to Walgreens for the Sunday newspaper, and then home. Didn't need no fancy yellow jersey, nor a cheering crowd either! :p :D
There was a frontpage image in about the damage the riders get in their legs, its disturbing! (the leg joints look all sore, redish and veiny)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
So, I just had a stray thought, as I was looking at the damaged trees. Whenever a big storm like that hits, I wonder what the birds do? In other words, I wonder if they have a way of knowing that a storm is coming, and if they fly miles away to safety, prior to the storm's arrival?

This thought entered my mind, as I recall years ago, just prior to when the tsunami hit the Phillipines, all the animals went up to the tops of the highest hills to safety. Don't know if it was something they smelled in the air, or some vibrations from the ground, etc., but they all knew to get the heck out.

My DD is in the town square of our town. She got hit much worse than us as all her trees are gone. She is on the top, 2nd floor and her apartment got it the worse (0f 4) 100 year old building. She has a hole in her roof from the tree from the 125 year old home next to her that landed ontop of her apartment. The tree people dragged that off today and it had to be done but did more damage, likely couldn't be helped. Roofers coming to look tomorrow. Anywhoo...there are branches everywhere on the ground, not on the tree though. It cooled off late afternoon (another story) and I saw a family of Cardinals going in an out of huge branch on the ground. They were so pretty. I wondered if there nest was in there cause they kept coming back. Glad they survived but if they were looking for shelter or their nest is in there it will be a goner very soon.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
If it's a nice hotel with room service stay put and enjoy the rest:joyfull: More importantly stay safe xoxo

It was a brand new Hampton Inn, few months open. No room service but I never did care to eat in my room. They served breakfast. We had to leave to get to my Mom's home cause it wasn't close but my Mom's city has a plethora of places to choose from and we did.

I'm glad we left. It was steamy, humid hot, noisy, so many emergency vehicles, generator street lights humming. We did dart through on the way to my Moms checked on my house and my DDs and refilled the suitcases.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Meh . . . 4 times . . . Tour de France. Oh, big deal. ;)

I ride a bike, too. Rode to church this morning, then to Walgreens for the Sunday newspaper, and then home. Didn't need no fancy yellow jersey, nor a cheering crowd either! :p :D

My Sis bought me a real nice bike last year for my birthday and for Christmas she bought me a cool basket that detaches as a shopping basket and had an inner lining with a bungie cord to hold it all in place. I love my bike. Right now it isn't safe to ride, too many wet branches but maybe next week again.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Jasmine is still restricted to the basement. I'd be afraid to let her sleep with me at this point; she's too small. She's only 8 weeks old and weighs about two pounds at this point. Belle slept with me as usual, and that will likely continue.

With cats, it's a process, but the good thing is that Belle knows Jasmine's there, and shecs totally fine about it. I had Jasmine playing up by the baby gate, and Belle was all curious about her. So we shall see. They'll work it out.

The kitty is going to be a fun adventure to follow.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
We were going to go to the zoo today. I checked the weather app on my phone and it said cloudy with zero chance of rain. As I was checking the weather in my phone, the skies opened up and dropped buckets of rain on us :rolleyes::rolleyes:

So we went to Bob Evans for piggy pancakes and then went to the bookstore to play with Thomas the Train :inlove:

That happened to us too last month at the zoo. We were more fortunate. We were inside the dolphin show building when the skies opened up and stopped by the time we came out to puddles everywhere and poncho'd guests.

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