Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm not a fan of buffets either but we did like TH better than GG. When we were at TH they trays were constantly being rotatedthe food at GG seemed like it was under a heat lamp longer
That being said as long as the boys go with us there will still be buffets and all you care to eat places on our ADR list. CP breakfast is also still worth it for us
Yes, but unfortunately the mass produced food is being warmed in the kitchen before it exchanged in the sun lamp guest area. There are a few buffets I like (far from love) it just isn't a form of overall dining I like nor most of the food offerings especially at the price, a far upcharge from the Corral army mess hall style of dining.
QS doesn't bother me. High end prices for getting up and down and serving yourself not a fan. You all know me I am germaphobic. I just think of the hundreds and hundreds of people grasping the serving spoons. Bluck. They change out the food but not the serving pieces. Ewe.
Years ago we were at Mickey's and we all got up to grab some more food. Came back and our table had been cleared, new people had been seated at it. We had to wait for them to find us a new table to continue our meal. They were not overly concerned or apologetic. More we'll find you another table eventually type concern. I swear we should have just left.