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When I was 5, my father built a house on a lot in the city. We lived in it for two years before he got promoted and we moved into a huge company house. My elderly Aunt lives right next door to that first house so I see it whenever I visit (every two years now) It is exactly the same as when he built it, at least externally, and that was 64 years ago. The second house also looks the same outside and back a few years ago I saw that it was deserted so I stopped in to look around. I tried the door and it was open. I went in an looked around. It was like a time warp. Everything, including the stove was what was there when we lived there. It had a knotty pine wall in the huge living room and my dad had purchased this huge landscape picture centered in the middle of it. You could still see the difference in wall color where the picture was (everyone was a smoker back then). My room was exactly the same and because it was on a second floor with no dormer, there was storage behind the walls. I opened the door and there was a few bundles of hard wood flooring pieces that were, from what I remember, in exactly the same place that they were when we lived there. As a time frame we moved from there in 1963. This was probably around 2002. Even the wallpaper was the same. It was almost creepy. Even the basement wall was still the same color my Father had painted it when it was our entertainment room. It had been occupied most of the time after we left.
That is kind of cool and creepy at the same time. It is kind of strange that the people that occupied it after you never made any changes, perhaps they liked how your family had it decorated though.