I may have stirred the pot, sort of without meaning to. That's a big "sort of".
Missionary Auntie is still not back to fighting form, and had to go to town (Mwanza) to a clinic for more medical treatment. Her lung infection is finally cleared up (after 2 months), but she still can't breathe without her puffers every four hours, and is completely housebound. Kinda hard to feed village kids or preach out of town, when you are unable to leave your house.
Anyway, all of her email updates are very vague ... deliberately.
She did however, ask her daughter to get things all set up with a respiratory specialist for when she gets home in June. There is a marked difference between her x-rays of this week compared to those from 6 months ago.
Cuz gave me a call to get a little info. She couldn't remember the name of Auntie's condition (ideopathic pulmonary fibrosis). And then ... we got talking, and told her what I knew about it. The Boss' much older second husband died of the same disease in June of 2006. The Boss, as you may recall, is a close friend of 25+ years, so I was intimately involved with the process.
Like Auntie, Frank was asymptomatic for three years, he started to get ill in year four, and once he got legit sick, he was gone in six weeks.
Cuz got on the internet and learned that the average life expectancy after diagnosis was 5-7 years. Auntie was diagnosed in 2011. Cuz is now very concerned, and so she should be.
She is going to complete her internet investigations, carefully word an email to her mom, and insist she come home. For once, I'm on her side, rather than Auntie's.