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What a wisecracker
Premium Member
What program are you using to make these images?

I recommend you check the lightning on the stock images you're using, because looks like you copied some images you found online and you pasted them. You need to edit them first color wise to make them fit. Right now they dont look good. Also check the layer mode.
Sometimes you just need to cut down the excess of the image to fit the area you want to cover. Then apply a mask/layer filter.

Check I AM LEGEND (the movie) so you get a good idea of blending.

Also, I recommend you learn how to "skew" the layers so they look properly placed with the correct perspective.
Some of the layers you added do not fit the perspective of the buildings at all.
Photoshop. And yeah, I know they're not great, but I'm only a self-taught student artist. I'll probably get better

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Photoshop. And yeah, I know they're not great, but I'm only a self-taught student artist. I'll probably get better
I recommend you start by lowering the saturation of the Bus and the banners (like the bank or the yellow-red stores in the bottom right).
When things get damaged, they dont maintain their bright colors.. they get opaque. most paints go brownish


Well-Known Member
Ugh. I'm sorry. I wanted to pull my hair out when my Dad passed this past year and he lived in the same state-my Mom's way of helping was just to throw anything she could lay her hands on out. I didn't have half the stuff you have to cope with. Lots of pixie dust flying your way.
Thanks. I remember you saying your mom was just tossing everything...that must have been so frustrating. And your sister lives in a different state, doesn't she? Or in any case, most of it fell to you, right? I think the biggest thing for me is feeling alone because my husband and kids are already back home and so I'm stuck here by myself. I don't really feel like I have the support I need. It's just really lonely and frustrating...but I know you understand that, too. Everything gets dumped on YOU and you somehow have to juggle all the balls by yourself.


Well-Known Member
Sympathy like. Do you have any idea when you'll be heading home?
Well...that's stressing me out. State law says we have to wait 30 days from the death to file the will with the state and get an affidavit of heirship to disburse assets or to begin probate. So that's next weekend, which means we can't sell anything until at LEAST the beginning of May. But DH says I HAVE to be home May 7th because he can't keep taking time off to stay home with the kids. And I get that...but I can't violate the law to get home faster. So it looks like I have to get a power of attorney to handle things like signatures and such on my behalf so there's someone to do business when I go home. My brother wants that to be him, but he's TERRIBLE with money and he tries to take advantage of me at every opportunity, so if I do that, I might as well just sign over my rights to any property or assets to him. So I will not do that. So I'm feeling pressured from all sides...pressure to hurry things up so I can get home, but also pressure to stay to make sure things get taken care of the way they should. Everyone wants me to do what's best for THEM without regard to my own needs. So I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I WANT to go home, but I CAN'T yet and I'm scared to leave when I CAN because if I'm not here I'm afraid the vultures will descend.


Well-Known Member
Been busy with cleaning, packing, sorting, etc. and shopping for new furniture for Daughter's move this weekend. More today, tomorrow and this weekend. Then waiting for deliveries and assembling furniture on Monday. And on top of that windy, rainy and even the chance of snow. Probably be back on line next week once things settle down. Bye for now. XOXO to Everyone hope you have a nice weekend. :happy:
Yep...we're supposed to get snow this weekend too. Mother Nature is apparently bipolar. Good luck getting everything moved!! Where is she moving?


Well-Known Member
We all like to eat what we enjoy. There are no rules anymore about what we're "supposed" to serve at holidays. I recall my mother was big on everything being traditional. But I've marched to the beat of a different drummer as the years went by. Sometimes, I find chips and dip to be quite satisfying, regardless of the "occasion"! :joyfull:
Same here. Life's too short to eat the same foods every year.


Premium Member
So, I made this for a friend of mine's new book called, "Taking Earth Back", I'll be doing several more places. Please, tell me what you all thinkView attachment 200422

It's rather avant-garde. There are so many niche categories in the art world, and I'm sure yours fits nicely in there someplace. The positive thing I can say is that you got me to look at it for a while, and that's what artists strive for.


Premium Member
Well...that's stressing me out. State law says we have to wait 30 days from the death to file the will with the state and get an affidavit of heirship to disburse assets or to begin probate. So that's next weekend, which means we can't sell anything until at LEAST the beginning of May. But DH says I HAVE to be home May 7th because he can't keep taking time off to stay home with the kids. And I get that...but I can't violate the law to get home faster. So it looks like I have to get a power of attorney to handle things like signatures and such on my behalf so there's someone to do business when I go home. My brother wants that to be him, but he's TERRIBLE with money and he tries to take advantage of me at every opportunity, so if I do that, I might as well just sign over my rights to any property or assets to him. So I will not do that. So I'm feeling pressured from all sides...pressure to hurry things up so I can get home, but also pressure to stay to make sure things get taken care of the way they should. Everyone wants me to do what's best for THEM without regard to my own needs. So I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I WANT to go home, but I CAN'T yet and I'm scared to leave when I CAN because if I'm not here I'm afraid the vultures will descend.

Go with your own instincts--sounds like you'd be the best one to handle things. At least everything would get done correctly. You've done so much up to this point, and it shouldn't be too much longer. And you can't always predict a date for things to happen. Clearing up someone's estate can take time.


Well-Known Member
It didn't rain today, so my shopping trip was quite enjoyable. I was supposed to be accompanied by my grandson's girlfriend, but when it came time to go, she changed her mind. No problem. I went by myself, and enjoyed browsing the aisles of my local Jewel store. I don't shop at Jewel much, so I was pleasantly surprised at some of the new offerings.


Premium Member
Well...that's stressing me out. State law says we have to wait 30 days from the death to file the will with the state and get an affidavit of heirship to disburse assets or to begin probate. So that's next weekend, which means we can't sell anything until at LEAST the beginning of May. But DH says I HAVE to be home May 7th because he can't keep taking time off to stay home with the kids. And I get that...but I can't violate the law to get home faster. So it looks like I have to get a power of attorney to handle things like signatures and such on my behalf so there's someone to do business when I go home. My brother wants that to be him, but he's TERRIBLE with money and he tries to take advantage of me at every opportunity, so if I do that, I might as well just sign over my rights to any property or assets to him. So I will not do that. So I'm feeling pressured from all sides...pressure to hurry things up so I can get home, but also pressure to stay to make sure things get taken care of the way they should. Everyone wants me to do what's best for THEM without regard to my own needs. So I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I WANT to go home, but I CAN'T yet and I'm scared to leave when I CAN because if I'm not here I'm afraid the vultures will descend.

Sorry about the stressful situation. Would your in-laws be willing to stay with the kids for a few days to help out your hubby? Or is there a close friend they could stay with? Tough situation. From what you have said about your brother when your mom passed, it seems as if you need to close out your dad's stuff yourself.


Well-Known Member
The costume stuff wasn't even interesting.:mad:I have a favorite costume pair of earrings from WOD(and a spare gotten on a later trip) that I wear quite often. Almost every trip the boys have purchased me something(mostly charms) from the costume department and even they couldn't find anything.:(

Sympathy like.
It's just an amazing night and day difference between what you used to be able to purchase at Disney shops and what is available for purchase now, and how few specialty shops are even left. The specialty stuff is still there at certain places, but, not nearly like it used to be.
Take Main Street USA, as just one example.
Used to be pretty much all specialty shops.
I remember, in recent years, a storm squall just starting to let loose as we were approaching Casey's on the way out of the park. We ducked into Casey's, and just kept walking south inside, occasionally stopping along the way to look at some merch...what the heck?! With the exception of Casey's, the whole west side of MSUSA is just one connected, repeating, homogenized merch shop from north to south. :cyclops:

Rant over.
But, not apologizing for it. :bored: ;)

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