The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
For a populated state and in the more populated area of N. IL we have only a few thousand people we are tiny. IL has about 12.5 million where Wyoming has about 500,000 so you have to take that into consideration. We have an industrial base and corporate base that is 20 times larger than our residential base. My town is only 4 square miles. Some farms in our state are that large. But our industrial and corporate base brings us things like gas stations, a 7/11, a pub, family bakery and on the very edge of the industrial base a McDonalds. We do not have any box stores, retail, not even any type of a grocery store. But because of the industry we do have a very good tax base for our schools, fire department, etc. Most of our roads are maintained by the state or county except for our very local roads. Our town has one of the very lowest crime rates in the state, thinking because we all know everyone and most families have lived here for generations. We are still outsiders as we have only been here for 30 some years.
Yeah, my hometown is 4.5 square miles, so about the same in area as yours. We have a grocery store, though most people don't get their groceries's more for the emergency and daily, bread and milk. Everything else you go to the next town over to get and you stick everything in the freezer so you only have to go once every 2 weeks and just hit the local store for the daily staples or anything you forgot or have a desperate need for. That's really it...we don't have any clothing stores or anything, though there is a new restaurant and they actually got a Subway a few years ago....the only fast food place in town. The big industry there is coal though...but most people choose to live in the next town over, even though it's farther away from the biggest mine. So that town has all the stuff...the movie theater, the roller rink...and the district doesn't invest in the school in my town because it doesn't benefit a large number of students. The money all gets pumped into the big town's schools. Their elementary schools are better equipped than my hometown's high school.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Moana is still playing here at the theater in town. I went to look up times for Beauty and the Beast this weekend and saw that Moana is still playing. We must be a lot further behind than I thought. Beauty and the Beast comes out tomorrow, but that's only a couple of weeks behind the US release. Moana must have been MONTHS!
I know the feel.
I once had some movies be released in my country.. months AFTER its available in bluray in the US.


Premium Member
One just opened up by us over the winter. Yeah, I know. Why open an ice cream shop in the winter? :confused:Anyway I am super happy that I don't have to travel 30 minutes for a chocolate dipped vanilla cone.:hungry:

Ice cream is perfect year round. I actually like it more in winter, because the lines are short at the ice cream places. Never could understand why some people back off from ice cream in winter--I love it. It's cold and icy and delicious!! :hungry: :hungry:


Premium Member
There are liads more. You can now have a Hollywood Studios day at home!!

I am positively going to watch this and draw one this weekend. The artist's face is somewhat familiar, but it's his voice that I recognize--I'm almost positive he was the last person that I took the class with a few years ago. We drew Stitch in that session..

In all, I've done the class about 4 times over the years (on my other visits, the wait was too long, so I didn't do it, but the times I got there early before the crowds, I would be in the first group they took inside). :)

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