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Tomorrow --



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In the Parks
It's just one day, and you'll be fine. Before you had this new job, you weren't getting paid, so try to think of it in those terms. :)
Well, except when I was out of work, my parents were paying for basically everything. Now that I'm working, I'm working my way to being self sufficient. Took over my cell phone bill (I haven't even told them I switched it from their credit card to my debit card. Just waiting to see how long it takes them to notice). Belle also had a couple of expensive vet visits which I paid for. Plus I have to take off part of the day Wednesday for an eye doctor appointment. I ended up working late tonight, might go in early another day.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I love your pictures--that was a real step back in time. Also, I always liked tray service restaurants like the one you shared. Don't know why that style of restaurant fell out of favor over the years--not too many left anymore.

Me too! I think cafeterias kinda got replaced by buffets when the all you can eat for one price became popular. I can never eat the $$$ worth at a buffet so it is rare when we do. At Disney we ate a few buffets our last trip but not my favorite meals, if I'm not picking an entree off a menu I would prefer family style like Ohana or Garden Grill. What I liked most about cafeterias was they built the meal the way you wanted it and you were only charged for what was on your tray which is more economical. We were a fish eating family so being in Florida we often at fish by choice.

Here is our wonderful Manny's Cafeteria in Chicago. Food is all awesome. If you ever fly through Midway Airport in Chicago they have a small branch in the Southwest terminal.


Well-Known Member
We got chased by a water moccasin that came out of the brush at the adult pool. We ran backwards as fast as we could, he was on the cement sidewalk. I now don't walk near cars. Those and alligator's will seek shade when it get's hot.

We have alligators in East Texas, too, although water mossasins (we also call them cottonmouth here) are much more prevalent across much of the state. I've killed at least 2 (small ones) over the years. One in a cabin near a lake shore at a weekend church teen camp, and one near the river at Schlitterbahn.
They actually rarely bite humans, but, the large adult ones are the ones that can deliver a fatal bite.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My aversion to coleslaw boils down to two reasons...I don't like cabbage especially cooked but I can handle uncooked if it is thinly sliced. And the second reason my mom's coleslaw was drenched in sauce. I like a light sauce on it. I can't eat a salad if it is drenched in dressing either.

I don't care for coarsely sliced cabbage either. Like it sliced very fine the best. Dressing I am very picky about. The creamy version I like almost looks like milk. The oilier ones are like paste, don't like. Now vinegar based ones I like too and are great for toppings also. I my own. Vinegar, oil, salt & pepper and some regular white sugar. It makes for a good sweet/sour. I shave some onions for that slaw. I put quite a bit of that dressing on the cabbage and toss it in the fridge for several hours. It makes the cabbage a bit more tender and then I drain some of the dressing off before I serve.

Now salad I tend to put on more heavily especially if it is runny like Olive Garden's dressing. I am a sucker for Polish Food and love Cabbage Rolls. I also love sauerkraut but that is a new love in the last 10 years. As I age I'm finding things I once hated I now love, Mexican food being another one.

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