If there is one thing that is really concerning me now it is my mobility. I did a lot of rehab after I had my leg accident in 2009. I now walk nearly 2 miles everyday, I have lost weight. Heck, I walked all over Europe last year, but, this year it seems like my balance isn't what it was. I don't ever feel dizzy or anything, but, I have trouble getting my legs to work the way I want them to allow me to maneuver properly. Just yesterday I was trying to step out of a bunker on the golf course. A simple little step up and I got hung up half way there. I had an awful time keeping my balance or enabling my "good" leg to exert enough strength to step out. A few weeks ago I was walking on level ground in the mall and my foot kind of dragged on the floor and it threw my balance off completely and I couldn't catch up, ending up face down on the floor of the mall. Didn't hurt anything other then my pride, but, it was almost surreal. I had my daughter walk with me to see if my walk or gate was out of sinc. and she said that she couldn't see anything wrong, everything looked normal. If this is another old age trick, I am not amused.
BTW, I wouldn't worry about a derriere fall. I have plenty of padding there. I doubt I would even feel it.