Oh I have seen it,

as has
@Goofyernmost in his area. What I always enjoy watching is the local news just prior to any snowstorm. They always have their "reporters" (if you can call them that . . .) out there with the camera guy at supermarkets, filming the frenzy. The interviews they conduct with the customers are always hilarious, too. Every year, every storm, they all say the same things.
It's far better to just keep some canned items, peanut butter, crackers and munchies etc., at home and a few loaves of bread in the freezer, on a regular basis throughout the year. The only item I would run out of would be milk, but I really don't care about that for a few days, if I couldn't get to a store. (Plus I use half & half in my coffee, and that lasts a few weeks in the frig anyway.)