Awesome! Something you wanted and enjoy. As it should be. I wonder when it became the norm stock a new couple up with fancy china. You seem to understand me pretty well, I needed a $150 gravy boat why? A $125 wine glass x 12 why? I love my crate and barrel stuff, my Disney-non matching dinner plates, my Disney mugs that do not have said saucer.
I do have my Christmas Plates, bowls, mugs, platers, tea pot. Haven't had them out in the last couple of years. But they did before my kids went off to college for a month each year. Cheerful.
I'm sorry there is guilt China in your family too. They don't want it so they unload it on others. My Mom did that to me by hiring a truck and delivering a piano to my new home 30 years ago. She didn't want it, I didn't want it, my sis lives out of state. She resolved it by hiring movers and I was surprised when the doorbell rang.

I eventually gave it to a piano store for free if they would just get it out of my house. The China my Mom is trying to unload on my DD is still in stores, very popular, so freak'n ugly. What is it with China, the uglier the more expensive it is?