The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
All this is so difficult. We are built on a nation of welcome. Very few of us/family are native to the land. We need to shelter those who are from troubled lands. We are a nation that needs to be mindful of the troubles that are entering our soil. Still those who have endured what he did in the various countries he did, melding into our culture I'm sure for some is a long shot, I can see (not grasp) the culture shock and distrust. I'm thankful I was born where I was. Not ever an excuse but I've never walked in those shoes. Amen.
We just have to realize that many of these people bought into the idea that America was the promise land. They saved, worked there butts off and did what was necessary to get here. Once here, they find out that we are not as advertised, we are a bunch of bigots, bullies and jerks. Can you imagine what that does to a fragile thought process. All the hope goes up in smoke. There is no promised land, this place is as bad as where they were. Unstable, sure, that is part of it, but, we have to expect that we will encounter immigrants with instability problems, we will also find a proportional number that were born here.

I made a comment a few days ago that was not well received, but, who would really want to enter this environment at this point in time. All anyone is hearing about is hostility, hatred and complete disregard for the freedoms that we were founded on. It scares me and I have lived here all my life. I'm sure that depression is a key factor and depression can and does affect behavior.


Well-Known Member
Lots and lots of OCD behaviors and more from my MIL side of the inlaw family. Most of my FIL side of the family are pretty soundly minded-still those peeps are those that try and trump and one up ya, fortunately my dear FIL was never like that.
The plastic phase really wasn't a OCD situation per se. If you look back at the time frame the people that were into that had either lived through the depression or were around at the tail end of it. For the first time in years, or for some, forever, they were able to have nice new things. They wanted to save it in the condition that they were bought. Any of us that have had children must realize the havoc that kids can reek on furniture and other expensive big ticket items. Currently we live in a throw away society. We don't keep things for years, if something happens you junk it and buy new. It was more of a survival instinct then a true obsession. It cost a lot of money and you wanted it to last for a very long time.


Well-Known Member
In the morning absolutely. They make more than one stop with POR but it does go quickly. They share busses with French Quarter in the evening.

Allrighty then, we are now staying at POR! I booked through UndercoverTourist and had already booked FPs on the COR reservation and was told after that was cancelled the FPs would be as well, but so far they are still standing. I wonder if it's because I had both reservations linked before cancelling? Either way I've been vigilant about checking to make sure they are still there. :cool:

betty rose

Well-Known Member
What a lovely meal for 4 could be had at the Cali Grill too in lieu of a plastic tent. I've yet to try the pork two ways, the tenderloin and the lacquer belly ($37) that @donaldtoo speaks of so often. Beats the bags of chips on the counter and soda in the fridge in the guest refugee tents.
I agree, what if a gator smelled the food and decided to seek shade and food. Yikes!;)

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I admire that!

I'm having more issues with my Mom. She has a primary that I don't like. She is nice enough but she knows how churn and send my Mom to all sorts of doctors and tests that rack up the bills, padding Docs income. I took her a few years ago to a referred to specialist to be scoped, throat, tummy etc. I was in the seated in the waiting room. He had an assembly line going of every 10-15 minutes knocking out a patient, scope, talk to a patient etc. I heard the same exact thing said to every single patient (and separated from family coming out of anesthetic.) Something doesn't look quite right, looks like pre cancer small lumps, nothing to worry about now but we will do this test again in two months. Seriously every single patient was identical???? Every single patient was a Senior/Medicare. Insert the word cancer...hook line and sinker. I went back and picked up tests. Took her to see a well know specialist in the same field. His response was he wasn't seeing what the other Doc was seeing. He told her not to worry and she didn't need to come back unless she started experiencing symptoms.

On Thanksgiving she tells me Primary is MAKING her go back and be scoped again. To Primary's group twit Doc again. Frustrated I blurted out MAKING YOU??? You're a grown woman you can say NO, she can't make you and you are not having any issues with throat or stomach. Then I reminded her of the issues with that practice and that Doc and what the other Doc had said. So frustrating.
So many ways for Doc's to take advantage of the elderly. My first kidney stone Dr. took out the stone, and he wanted to sell me his "special" drugs...he owned the company that produced them. I said I don't want more untested drugs. My family Dr. that was into more natural things, told me not to take untested drugs. When I had another stone, and gave my Dr. the symptoms, he did tests and they came out all wrong, he sent me to the endocrinologist. She knew where to look...begin tumor on the parathyroid. Had it taken out, and all is well. I've told this story before, but if someone happens upon this....if your specialist wants to sell you their the other way. When the surgeon called the kidney Dr. and told him what I had....he wasn't happy! In other words, he got caught!

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Allrighty then, we are now staying at POR! I booked through UndercoverTourist and had already booked FPs on the COR reservation and was told after that was cancelled the FPs would be as well, but so far they are still standing. I wonder if it's because I had both reservations linked before cancelling? Either way I've been vigilant about checking to make sure they are still there. :cool:
Have fun at POR. I would love to stay there. It looks like so much fun.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm so sorry about you're back, eek I'm such a wimp about needles so just the thought of getting one:mad::rolleyes::cautious::brb::brb::brb: Prayers and pixie dust. I'll give you a note to skip right through to Wednesday:joyfull:

Actually, in 2005, an epidural was not so much a needle as a caulking gun lol. They've gotten better.

Do you guys remember the needleless flu shots. They by force per square inch blasted the vaccination through your skin ending the need for needles. They were real popular when children were first allowed to have flu shots about 20 years ago, I remember cause my DD was 5 when she had it, just before a long WDW trip over Christmas.
I'll have a needle any day over the blast through your skin vaccinations. It hurt so bad and about two days later we all had bruises the size of a baseball on our upper arms.

My epidural was in the 90's while having my DD. Didn't hurt nearly as much as labor.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Well we are back from our trip, we got in last night around midnight. It was a fantastic time, I will do a trip report about it later. I got a cold our last day there, so I stayed home today to recoup. After napping most of the morning, I played ketchup on here and it sounds like you all had a nice Thanksgiving!
I'm so glad you had fun, sorry about the cold. It happens to us every year when we visit Disney in winter. We will go no more at that time! I hate toughing the finger machine at the entrance. Yuck!:hungover::hungover::hungover:

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Me too. Not sure where my Mom's good silverware is. I should look in the breakfront or cabinet and see if it still exists. I hated on Christmas being tired with small kids, drying plates squeaky clean and drying each piece of silver so it could go back in its velvet lined box. I don't understand the whys??? I wonder what will become of my MIL 2 sets of china. She doesn't have daughters, her DILs all have China, 2 of the 3 granddaughters are married with their own stuff. That leaves my DD or maybe my great niece-her great grand daughter will get saddled with it a 2 years old. :rolleyes:
I'm sending mine to the Salvation Army store. No reason to keep things you don't use.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Glad you are home safe and sound. Feel better.
Glad you are home safe and sound. Feel better.
That is such an asinine policy, and I am so sorry that this is happening to your son.

I was bullied when I was in middle school. With girls, it's more verbal bullying and intimidation than physical abuse. If they were physical, they'd get in trouble, but it's more challenging when it was verbal. I reported it every time that it happened, and I always came home and told my parents (well, Mom anyway) what was happening. I have no idea why I was not the type of kid not to report something, but I always reported it and told my parents.

Anyway, the administration refused to do anything about it. It was clearly all on the other girl; I was basically just trying to ignore her. We were never friends; it was just that she decided, for whatever reason, that she wanted to pick on someone, and I became the target. I had a good group of friends that year, and she wouldn't come near me if one of my friends was around, especially my one friend. She was the kind of stereotypical big, Baltimore black girl who could be the nicest person on the planet, but you didn't dare mess with her or her friends because she could be downright scary. I know because I saw it come out one day when the bully came up to me. She didn't even get a chance to speak, and my friend had chased her off. I stuck to my friend like glue that year, but I couldn't always, and when my friends weren't around, the bully saw it as an opportunity, and she could be brutal. I remember one day in particular that she just randomly came up to me and said, "Missy, you're a b*tch." I replied, "That's okay; I don't like you either," and tried to walk around her, but she blocked my way and kept taunting me. I managed to escape, crying, into the nurse's office.

The administrator dealing with it kept trying to chalk it up to teenage girl issues. I got in trouble with him because I told her to shut up. Looking back on it, I'm like, good grief, THAT was reason to get in trouble? I've told my BROTHER to shut up before when he's really been getting on my nerves. Finally, after the administrator told us that he was going to sit us down to "talk and work it out," my dad called the administrator and said that the bullying had better stop, or else his next phone call would be to the police. He didn't take the BS from the administrator that I shouldn't have told the girl to shut up either, that it was self defense and he had no problem with it. Wouldn't you know that I had no more trouble with that girl after that phone call?

I sympathize with your son. It only went on with me for about a year and with one person; I can't imagine having multiple people bully you and not have the administration do anything. It's not just a coming-of-age thing, or a "boys will be boys" thing, nor does it "toughen them up" for the real world. If we allow children to behave like bullies, we just create adults who are bullies. I hope you're able to get everything straightened out and things become better for your son.
Wow, so sorry to hear that you went through this. Girls can be so cruel. I never wanted to be that kind of person. I sat next to a guy in 7th grade that was bullied, my English class, he was smart and very funny. We conversed before class, and after. One day, I guess he had too much bullying, he went home, and shot himself in the head. I felt guilty for the rest of the year. Seeing his empty desk. We didn't get counseling back then. I knew he was my class friend. Maybe I should have done more. I didn't know how much bullying was getting to him. He was so nice. RIP


Premium Member
Allrighty then, we are now staying at POR! I booked through UndercoverTourist and had already booked FPs on the COR reservation and was told after that was cancelled the FPs would be as well, but so far they are still standing. I wonder if it's because I had both reservations linked before cancelling? Either way I've been vigilant about checking to make sure they are still there. :cool:
Congrats and have fun!


Premium Member
Do you guys remember the needleless flu shots. They by force per square inch blasted the vaccination through your skin ending the need for needles. They were real popular when children were first allowed to have flu shots about 20 years ago, I remember cause my DD was 5 when she had it, just before a long WDW trip over Christmas.
I'll have a needle any day over the blast through your skin vaccinations. It hurt so bad and about two days later we all had bruises the size of a baseball on our upper arms.

My epidural was in the 90's while having my DD. Didn't hurt nearly as much as labor.
Glad i missed those flu things and no epidural in labor.

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