The conferences weren't really bad except for one. A parent with a Special Ed kid claims I wasn't following the IEP; I have been. I've had this kid for two years, nothing has changed in the IEP. I'm doing everything for this kid I've done for two years. Anyway the parent had a list of accommodations she wanted her student to have none of them are accommodations on the IEP, and really not needed by this student. For most of these accommodations the parent wants the student would need to be in the resource room with the Special Ed teacher but when I pointed that out the parent flipped and said she doesn't want her child to leave my room. Ugh, it was just so frustrating but be accused of not doing my job and having the parent change her mind all the time. The kid is an average student but I think this mom thinks she should be a solid A student.
I just don't know what this woman wants, but I do have to meet with her again tomorrow, this time with my boss and the special ed teacher. And even more frustrating the parent is a teacher in our district too. Also frustrating, that now that this kid is in high school I have to deal with the high school special ed teacher who will never come into my classroom to help support the students. Sorry for the vent, I'm still a little irritated by it. Thanks guys for letting me vent.