The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
Me, I really can't stand them.


I don't like them either. Reminds me of the yearly, lame Thanksgiving dinner conversation I used to have with my mother. She loved sweet potatoes and would boil and mash them.

When the serving dishes were passed around the table, I'd bypass them, and just pass the sweet potatoes on to the next victim. My mother would say, "Aren't you having any sweet potatoes?" I'd reply, "No, I hate them." Mom: "But they're GOOD." Me: "No, they're not." Mom: "Yes, they are, they're really delivious." Me: "No, they're really not." And this non-discussion would go on the same way . . . every year . . . :rolleyes: (To this day, I'll never understand how my mother thought that by telling me they're really delicious, would actually have an effect on my taste buds . . . :confused: )


Premium Member
Glad you're fine @Goofyernmost . My heart goes out to the people who live along the coastline, and not just in N.C. either. After watching so much of the hurricane coverage on tv over the past few days, I'm convinced I'd never live by the ocean, despite the nice views.
No ocean front for me either. I live be a lake and am a couple of blocks up hill, that's close enough for me. I have a lovely view and higher elevation. I'm staying far away from the news for a while


Premium Member
No ocean front for me either. I live be a lake and am a couple of blocks up hill, that's close enough for me. I have a lovely view and higher elevation. I'm staying far away from the news for a while

That sounds like a very pretty location to live.

Our view isn't nearly as picturesque as that. However, don't tell that to my dog, Jack. He has his staring window (actually he has two, but his favorite is upstairs in the bathroom). There's not much to see, except a few houses behind us, and a concrete backyard (landlord put in concrete years ago, because he didn't like having to mow grass--even though the backyard is the size of a postage stamp). :facepalm:

The bathroom is tiny--a dormer roof-style, with a low slanted ceiling. The window is at floor level. He loves to sprawl out on the bathroom scatter rug, and gawk out the window. He lays in wait for the German Shepard (2 houses away) to come out in their backyard, and he barks at him to go away. Oh, there's also a low, (sort of half roof) under the window. Sometimes, birds will fly to it and pause there. Jack barks at them, too, and they fly away. He won't tolerate any intruders to his view of Shangri-La . . . :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Glad you're fine @Goofyernmost . My heart goes out to the people who live along the coastline, and not just in N.C. either. After watching so much of the hurricane coverage on tv over the past few days, I'm convinced I'd never live by the ocean, despite the nice views.
The Ocean definitely comes under the phrase... Nice place to visit, but, I wouldn't want to live close by, I don't care what Sebastian says, under the sea ain't where I want to be.
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Premium Member
If you are going to a resort I think WC is the best for a feast. Like you we've done Liberty Tree, we've done Garden Grill too but doesn't fit that resort requirement. My son has Thanksgiving at Both Flying Fish and at Raglan Road, loved Raglan and Flying but Flying is going through some growing pains right now. At this point you are likely stuck with the two you have ressies for since it is a holiday at the more popular venues.

Whispering Canyon was my first choice but I couldn't get an ADR right way. When I checked at the 180 day mark all the "popular" restaurants weren't available, that is how I landed on Olivia's. I checked then about 2 weeks later and a Whispering Canyon had popped up. My sister and her daughter are going to the Garden Grill on Thanksgiving but we weren't originally going to have park tickets for that day that is why we were going to the Liberty Tree the day before. But now we have our renewed our annual passes, but no 4 people ressies are available, plus Dad doesn't want to go to the park. Oh well, I'm sure whatever we decide will be good, if not there is always the Holiday sandwich at the Earl of Sandwich we could eat.


Premium Member
I really dislike sage. Always disappointed when I discover stuffing has had sage added to it, the same way I am when potato salad is made with Miracle Whip vs Hellmann's Mayo.

I make my Gran's Stuffing which is cheap white bread (like Wonder) onion, celery, raw egg and squish it together. The egg makes it stay moist and rise a big. We all love it.

I will agree with you about the potato salad, Miracle Whip is icky Hellmann's is the way to go. I don't know if I have ever had stuffing without sage (I might have) but it is essential in my homemade one. Although, it does have to be portioned out correctly. We put too much in the stuffing once and it was a little disgusting. I don't understand when recipes call for sausage or oysters in the stuffing, that sounds extremely untasty. The sausage might be okay but the oysters....:hungover:


Premium Member
One of the things I make with leftovers from Thanksgiving Friday is my best attempt at Earl's Thanksgiving sandwich, which the first time I ever had was from Starbucks years ago before Earl at DTD.

I make it the same way except for the meat, I use real turkey I slice very thinly. It is awesome.

OK I want a Thanksgiving Sandwich now.

I try to recreate the Holiday sandwhich with leftovers too. I usually buy some ciabatta buns for my bread, it makes a nice base and is kind of close to Earl's bread.


Premium Member
All the Polish areas around Northern IL sell Pierogies as Lent approaches. They are amazing yet they all seem to have their own twist. Churches and Polish deli's actually have preorders for them. If you want them you are wise to preorder.

And me, I am a landmark driver and direction giver. The main road closest to our home-everything kinda looks similar except we have a school crosswalk and a pennant shaped crosswalk sign where you need to exit off the main road. Yep that is included in my directions to our home, followed by the 'house with the white picket fence.'

The pierogi sale is kind of like what our church does at Christmas. One of our big fund raisers is the Lefse sale (kind of like a tortilla but made with mashed potatoes and a lot softer) and we just started doing pre-orders and it works really well. The regular sale sells out withing about an hour.


Premium Member
Pierogis are polish? I tough they were italian!

Pierogies are kind of like Italian ravioli but with potato.

And with all the talk about sweet potatoes, I like them in chips and fries or in sweet potato pie but I don't like them when they are in casseroles or cooked like regular potatoes. When they are cooked like regular potatoes they seem to have an off taste to me. If you have had a yam, they are kind of like that.

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