Well, the park prices are pretty close to the same thing, but, the hotel space is outrageous. I know that many love to be on the site, but, the difference in the cost of staying on as opposed to off is enough to finance two trips to WDW. One can still go to Disney if they could give up the feeling that they needed to stay onsite to enjoy the experience. I didn't discover this in some brightly lit moment. I just started, by requirement, to stay offsite and have done it ever since. That is how I have been able to go there 45 times.
I don't ever feel like I am missing out on anything. I save money in offsite housing, offsite dining and still have a great time in the parks. However, for a day its about the same thing for Disney or Uni in the parks.
I am totally at a loss to understand how anyone can go there and stay for two weeks anyway. I get mouse overload and if I haven't cleared the doors in 5 days, they have to cart me off in a very tight jacket and into a well padded room. I cannot deal with that place for very long. I get bored and must see and do other things that don't have a rodents tail attached. I love the place, but, for limited amount of time.