im going to try, but I swear its my internet provider.
and guess what?
The technicians came back today. And they explained what the hell was going on.
They told all I found to one of the top engineers, they sent a group to the ISP's main office in this area (where all the connections are, all the routers, servers..etc..)
And they exactly found that what I had said was true. They had faulty equipment and wrongly configured equipment making things worse.
But i did not expect it to be so many hardware to be damaged. So they told me top engineers are now going to be fixing all the mess in my zone.. and hopefully by next week the internet is going all normal working in the way it should have.
Thats a relief.
In other news.... I bought my planet tickets, going to Houston next week to buy my implant. going to be 5,000 USD in the hole debt wise.. but the implant processor is worth it.
As for me, even as it hurts my darn ego..
Id love if you guys could share this link: