The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Pizza, popcorn, and chimichuri? How is your weather? Ours is about to go bonkers, again. I may have to come by for a visit...
Dare I say this? I'm sick of the heat it's been over 90 for so many days, I've lost rain...even though it was predicted. My allergies are out of bounds. Woke up last night with a coughing fit. Had to use my inhaler again, I used it at bedtime. We need rain now! I'm doing an old Indian rain dance. Hope it helps! For those who were not on here, my grandmother, dad's side was Native American.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I don't believe it is the moving around in question. It is stopping their breeding. Much can be done about that from what is put in all ponds, fountains, creeks and lakes. On land property is fogged including bushes, flowers and trees. Further for the open unused areas they can do fly overs and just fog the wooded areas. If WDW in theory becomes infested I can't imagine it not affecting attendance dramatically. Me, I'd go to Disneyland instead.

Our community did all this a few years ago when West Nile was at that epidemic level. My Sis does not reside in IL but contracted West Nile while up here. She was down for a month and took another 2 months to start feeling herself again. She was middle aged and healthy to that point so she eventually rebounded. Not the same for the very young and elderly, it is rough and/or deadly to them. Zika is one of those virus' that they need to do everything they can to curtail those little bugs from breeding. Those babies born with severe disabilities have zero chance of rebounding. The cost of medical care for these babies is going to be wildly expensive beyond the devastation to the families. The more they do to wipe out that bug in Miami now the better off the state will be and at a far less monetary expense than the alternative.
If it goes north, we will stop Disney. We have grand kids to think about.

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Dare I say this? I'm sick of the heat it's been over 90 for so many days, I've lost rain...even though it was predicted. My allergies are out of bounds. Woke up last night with a coughing fit. Had to use my inhaler again, I used it at bedtime. We need rain now! I'm doing an old Indian rain dance. Hope it helps! For those who were not on here, my grandmother, dad's side was Native American.
I notice you only call heat bad when Joisey isn't here !!!

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Sadly, my favorite Disney Refill mug has never fit into any of our vehicles. These Big mugs were great.


though my French Quarter Mug would likely be politically incorrect for Disney to sell at the moment. :( I have 3 different Port Orleans Mugs before the resort became French Quarter.

This was the last large Mug I purchased before they started going to the small version.
I wish I had picked up the different mugs, back in the day. We were pinching pennies then, and hubby didn't want to carry home. Thanks for sharing, those are priceless. Today's mugs....meh.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
My day is going better today. I set the alarm for 6 am so I could get up and get going, I only hit the snooze twice. I took the dog for a walk. She was super excited as she hasn't had one since the day before we went to Disneyland. So she was running down the street tugging me behind her.

The weather is okay here, low 80's but 88% humidity. There is a decent breeze though. It is supposed to be in the 90's tomorrow and humid until Friday then the weekend is supposed to be low 80's again and low humidity.

I am looking forward to the pizza, hubby picked it up at Lou Malnati's and the popcorn is Garretts cheese. Most of the pizza will go in the freezer though. We will probably have a slice for dinner but I would like to save some of the deliciousness for when we need a quick and tasty meal in the upcoming Fall. It is that time of the summer when I start prepping meals or at least cooking up some meats like hamburger so I can cut down on cooking time after a long day at school. Some days after teaching those little buggers I just want to sit in my recliner and relax.

As for the chimichuri, like I said I really think I put too much garlic in it. It tasted good at the time, but even now after brushing a few times and drinking coffee I still can taste garlic. I don't know what to do with it, I might use it for a marinade for some chicken. I don't know if I could serve it as is to visitors. :)
Do you have any stainless steel in your kitchen? You might try licking that (after cleaning, with vinegar), I've heard that stainless will kill the garlic on your hands. I have a stainless steel mixing bowl. I've never tried that , but it can't hurt. I wouldn't lick the sink or anything like that!;)

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Mosquitoes love me no matter what. I think I got a bite on the walk this morning. I tried to go in the hammock yesterday afternoon but the flies and skeeters were bothering me, I only stayed out a few minutes. Then I headed onto the screened in porch and set up my camping hammock that I got for my birthday this year.

The pizza is from Lou Malnatis, it is supposedly pepperoni and sausage. And hubby is planning to stop at Woodfield Mall to get the popcorn on the way home.
Lucky you. Our pizza in Denver is horrible, and we have no good popcorn shops. I miss the midwest for all the wonderful places to pick up snacks and meals.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I wish I had picked up the different mugs, back in the day. We were pinching pennies then, and hubby didn't want to carry home. Thanks for sharing, those are priceless. Today's mugs....meh.

I believe the Big Mugs were way back then between $8-$12 as the years went on. We didn't carry anything though. We always flew and back then each passenger was allowed to check 2 bags free. Basically we checked 1 suitcase per person though we mixed stuff up in case any suitcase was lost. A 5th case was full of misc stuff depending on their ages from baby food, diapers, formula, beach towels, pool toys and we also put a light weight duffle suitcase in there too. One year we were staying at POR when the Razor Scooters became popular. Both kids packed the scooters. POR being so large was a great place with those. Those two suitcases were used to refill with all the junk they bought.

We were generally there 14-16 days and I'd do laundry once half way through the vacation and after the parks closed the night before departure so everything was clean when we arrived home. The kids were at the pool. Worked well.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I like my Resort Mugs. Each trigger memories of specific trips. Family got a little OCD about always wanting to stay at PO (now FQ). For one 2 week trip I deemed it was my turn to pick. I always planned, packed etc these trips each year, sometimes 2x a year. We had only stayed at Dixie once and it was a January February trip so I wanted to go back in the fall. So when they would not budge I booked Dixie Landing cause you know I couldn't get PO for the entire 2 week trip, so I theoretically had to book Dixie by default. :cautious: Evil I know. :rolleyes: After that trip Dixie/POR became our favorite resort and remained that way. That Dixie mug I got on that trip still makes me smile.

The Animal Kingdom Lodge mug was an amazing week trip for 4th of July. As AP holders we were asked to move from POR reservations to the newly opened AKL at no additional charge. Then Walt Disney Travel overbooked their airline leg of the trip, gave us $400 in Disney $$ to switch from a 7am flight to a 10 am flight. When they checked in they couldn't find our Disney Dollars so they gave us $400 in Disney $$ from their stash. A day later on our table was the packet with $400 in Disney Dollars and 4 resort mugs for our troubles. I went to the desk and they said oh just keep them. :D The AKL triggers the memories of an upgrade to a Deluxe Resort, 4 free mugs and $800 in Disney Dollars for the trip all for the trade off of 3 hours. Not bad, not bad at all. :happy: Dang that was a great trip.
We have gone for years, and have never had an upgrade. Maybe on our 50th, in 2018!

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I believe the Big Mugs were way back then between $8-$12 as the years went on. We didn't carry anything though. We always flew and back then each passenger was allowed to check 2 bags free. Basically we checked 1 suitcase per person though we mixed stuff up in case any suitcase was lost. A 5th case was full of misc stuff depending on their ages from baby food, diapers, formula, beach towels, pool toys and we also put a light weight duffle suitcase in there too. One year we were staying at POR when the Razor Scooters became popular. Both kids packed the scooters. POR being so large was a great place with those. Those two suitcases were used to refill with all the junk they bought.

We were generally there 14-16 days and I'd do laundry once half way through the vacation and after the parks closed the night before departure so everything was clean when we arrived home. The kids were at the pool. Worked well.
We didn't plan at all before going to Disney. It was usually a spur of the moment thing. We drove and just went when hubby could take a few days off. We were on a very strict budget back in the day. Just after college, a small child, and debts up the didn't kick in , when baby was born, she was three days early, and we weren't covered under my work insurance until 3 days later. I'm glad things turned around after many lean years. We didn't stay in a Disney resort, and only did a couple days, and went to Silver Springs, or the beach. Those were cheap and fun too.


Premium Member
Do you have any stainless steel in your kitchen? You might try licking that (after cleaning, with vinegar), I've heard that stainless will kill the garlic on your hands. I have a stainless steel mixing bowl. I've never tried that , but it can't hurt. I wouldn't lick the sink or anything like that!;)

If you have a stainless steel sink in your kitchen and rub your fingers over it for a few seconds, it will counter affect the watery eyes you can get from slicing onions. Seriously. I saw that on a cooking show one time, and I've done that many times since. So apparently, it's the same remedy whether you're working with onions or garlic. (Onions -- steel sink method for soothing watery eyes, and garlic -- steel sink method to remove the smell from your hands.)
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Well-Known Member
Garlic gives me headaches. I once sat near the kitchen in a restaurant, and I had to leave, due to the over whelming odor of garlic. My head was splitting, and I had to go outside.

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