My day is going better today. I set the alarm for 6 am so I could get up and get going, I only hit the snooze twice. I took the dog for a walk. She was super excited as she hasn't had one since the day before we went to Disneyland. So she was running down the street tugging me behind her.
The weather is okay here, low 80's but 88% humidity. There is a decent breeze though. It is supposed to be in the 90's tomorrow and humid until Friday then the weekend is supposed to be low 80's again and low humidity.
I am looking forward to the pizza, hubby picked it up at Lou Malnati's and the popcorn is Garretts cheese. Most of the pizza will go in the freezer though. We will probably have a slice for dinner but I would like to save some of the deliciousness for when we need a quick and tasty meal in the upcoming Fall. It is that time of the summer when I start prepping meals or at least cooking up some meats like hamburger so I can cut down on cooking time after a long day at school. Some days after teaching those little buggers I just want to sit in my recliner and relax.
As for the chimichuri, like I said I really think I put too much garlic in it. It tasted good at the time, but even now after brushing a few times and drinking coffee I still can taste garlic. I don't know what to do with it, I might use it for a marinade for some chicken. I don't know if I could serve it as is to visitors.