The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Dont the noise of these get your hairs up?
The tsunami sirens definitively gives me this dreadful feeling by just listening to them x_x

In my pops hometown in south central Texas, the air raid/tornado siren goes off every day at noon to signal it's noon and for testing. Very small town, about 2,000 population. You can hear it in every part of town. You get used to it, and you'd know when it was the real thing.
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Well-Known Member
That depends on where in the US you are. In Wyoming, the average sitting fee is only about $80 US. Where they really hit you is the cost of the film and reprints. But our wedding photos cost less than 1000 USD and that was a professional photographer and hired for several hours.

We've been married for 27+ years and even DWifey doesn't remember what we paid for the photographer. But, yes, between the wedding, wedding reception with cake cutting, bouquet, garter, drinks, dinner, dancing, etc., her and her two assistants were taking pictures for hours.
Worth every penny, though...! :)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Yep, going to have fun with this.



Well-Known Member
We've been married for 27+ years and even DWifey doesn't remember what we paid for the photographer. But, yes, between the wedding, wedding reception with cake cutting, bouquet, garter, drinks, dinner, dancing, etc., her and her two assistants were taking pictures for hours.
Worth every penny, though...! :)
We cheap'd out and paid a minimum fee for the photographer and then kept the proofs as our wedding album. I still have them and they still look good after 44 years. They lasted quite a bit longer then the marriage did by 15 years and counting.:)
We weren't really cheap... what we were was broke!


Well-Known Member
We cheap'd out and paid a minimum fee for the photographer and then kept the proofs as our wedding album. I still have them and they still look good after 44 years. They lasted quite a bit longer then the marriage did by 15 years and counting.:)
We weren't really cheap... what we were was broke!

Yep, been there...broke happens...! ;)


Premium Member
We cheap'd out and paid a minimum fee for the photographer and then kept the proofs as our wedding album. I still have them and they still look good after 44 years. They lasted quite a bit longer then the marriage did by 15 years and counting.:)
We weren't really cheap... what we were was broke!

When we got married, I "hired" (friends and family rate . . . ;) ) my brother, who was a photographer. Worked out quite well! Oh, and I was in the hotel business at the time, and my boss knocked off a huge portion of the wedding reception bill at the hotel. All in all, we didn't spend much at all on the wedding!!


Well-Known Member
When we got married, I "hired" (friends and family rate . . . ;) ) my brother, who was a photographer. Worked out quite well! Oh, and I was in the hotel business at the time, and my boss knocked off a huge portion of the wedding reception bill at the hotel. All in all, we didn't spend much at all on the wedding!!
We didn't either... but it sure got costly later.. :in pain::jawdrop::joyfull:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
The lists are what makes us be able to HAVE a relaxing vacation, without having to worry about what we forgot, or where we are supposed to be. I am a list maker, too. My husband teases me. Last trip, I asked him to print off my lists, and he thought he was being funny by also making and printing off a "list of lists" which I thought I had made, but hadn't because I figured he'd laugh at me if I did. He laughed at me anyway, AND I got my list of lists, so... But, I have an address/phone number list that has all the people with whom we are staying while we're state-side, I have a list of all our ADRs with confirmation numbers and any relevant instructions like what kind of table to ask for, a complete itinerary with all of our fastpasses and ADR times, a list of books I want should I find them cheaply, a list of books I own so I don't get doubles, a list of things I want to bring back with me that I can't get here, a list of things to pack, a list of things that still need to be done or questions that still need to be asked, a list of things I still need to get before we leave, and I have all sorts of documents like medical passports for our prescriptions, a copy of my birth and marriage certificates, etc. I have a complete list of Disney's color coded and tells me whether it's counter service or table, if they accept the dining plan, what kind of cuisine it is, if they have a childrens menu and what's on it, and it highlights any particular items at that venue that have either been recommended (yellow) or that sound interesting to one of us that we want to try (green). Yes, it's a HUGE amount of work, but when we're walking through Disney and need to decide where we want to go for a snack or a counter service meal, I can pull out that list faster than I can look up the website and go through all the menus. And all the lists just make a very organized trip...we're traveling for a full month over seas with multiple destinations and 2 just can't do fly by the seat of your pants under those conditions and expect not to have disasters.


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