The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
There's no WiFi in the parks for guests at all, and the WiFi for CMs is carp. Yesterday, a CM couldn't verify our DAS time. They had to let us through, and the kiosk cleared it off when we got another time. CM told us their WiFi is not good.

The resort WiFi is not great. You have to be near or on the balcony for it to work. If you're in the middle of the room, it doesn't work. By the pool today was the best signal I've gotten. Over at Rainforesf, there's AT&T WiFi, which is free if you're an AT&T customer, which we are. Best WiFi on property. Got O's game updates during breakfast

I didn't have data on my phone before last week. I upgraded my plan for this trip. Glad I did. My mom has a limited data plan, but I've got the newer phone, so we got the data plan for my phone. It takes me way less time to pull out my phone and check wait times than it does her, plus we're not using her data. And if the WiFi isn't good, I switch to data. Like right now.
Kinda weird that both the hotel and disneyland have such low quality WIFI systems.
They have a ton of moneys.. why they dont upgrade?


Well-Known Member
The waits have not been bad this trip so far. We got there and got a DAS for Indy sand then a FP for Star Tours. Then we saw that Big Thunder was a 15 minute wait, so we did that twice. I hadn't been on it since the refurb (which was going on during my last trip), and now, it is SO much better than the WDW version. The replaced track is much smoother, the effects are better, and scenes are different. Not WDW's twin anymore, even though the track is a mirror. WDW's track also probably needs replacing.

Indiana Jones is such a cool ride. It does go a bit too quickly through the scenes, though. Not enough time to look at everything. Still fun, though.

Jungle Cruise was great. I think I like the WDW version a bit better.

Star Tours at WDW is better simply because they have more speeders, which means a faster line, and the loading area isn't cramped.

Hyperspace Mountain...that thing is so awesome. I think I might like it better than DL's regular Space Mountain. I think the additional effects make it more intense. The first time on it, someone had handed us two FPs, and so my parents let my brother and me ride it while they walked through a shop (which they enjoy and my brother hates). I was completely blown away, as was my brother...and then we got off acting like it was no big deal, so when we immediately got on with my parents, they were surprised. My mom thought it was great. My dad just says, "That was interesting." :rolleyes:Although I believe he's just trying to tease since he claims he doesn't like Star Wars.

Matterhorn's track needs replacing. I have to brace with my hands and feet in order to not get injured. That thing is a once a day ride.

I think I like DL's IASW better. It seems longer, and I like the addition of the Disney characters.

My mom is never riding Rodger Rabbits Cartoon Spin with me ever again. I don't think my dad ever will ride it with me. Apparently, it is not the tea cups. :hilarious:

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride is weird.

I don't know what was going on with HM, but it stopped for a a spot with nothing interesting to look at. Overall, I like WDW's better, but Hatchbox Ghost is cool.

WDW got the Cliff Notes version of PofTC. The real one is in DL.

Conversely, the real TofT is in WDW.

Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage is good, but takes too long to load and unload.

Dinner last night was at Blie Bayou. That was very good. The entrees are pricey, but come with either Gumbo or a salad, so it's plenty of food. My dad said the cost was comparable to when we eat at BOG.

I really don't care that Fantasmic is on hiatus. Now we can walk through New Orleans Square that time of night.

Construction of SWL is having very little impact. Only since there's no PeopleMover and no train, there's really no attraction to just kind of take a break on.
You mentioned the DL one based on the movies? I have never seen the movies....not my thing, but I LOVED the PotC ride at WDW before the movies even existed. So which one is closer to the original ride, pre-movie?


Well-Known Member
So I went to pull out a chair at my diningroom table and got stung by a wasp that must have flown in my door. (I have a nest in an old tree hole that needs taken down.) The dumb thing got me between my index and middle finger. Soooo not happy. :grumpy:
Oh OOOW! I've never been stung, but that sounds like a really bad place to be stung, too!! Yikes! I hope you aren't allergic!


Well-Known Member
Some pics from the picnic...

DWifey and her teammate after the canoe race...

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They came in dead last... :oops: ;)

Dunk the boss tank... :D

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And, in he goes...!!! :joyfull:

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Tug of war, with the boss going into the muddy water pit... :)

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Water balloon fight...! :)

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The boss and his wife with the prize wagon. We were all (adults, kiddos got a different one) given little nap sack type bags on the way in. There was a cup, a hand fan, a koozie, and a pair of cheapy, red, Wayfarer type shades in them. :) Five of them had golden tickets in them, but we didn't have one in any of ours... :( ;)

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And, some random shots of the grounds... :)

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That looks like so much fun!!! What a good sport her boss is! What kind of business is it?


Well-Known Member
No pics of our BBQ lunch. I was really hungry 'cause I skipped breakfast in anticipation of the feast, so I dug in straight away without even thinkin' of pics. :oops: Plus, although it was really good :hungry:, it looked pretty much like all the BBQ I've posted before...! ;)

We did, however, drive through Round Rock Donuts on the way home...

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And....... :hungry: :hungry: :hungry: :hungry: :hungry: :joyfull: :joyfull: :joyfull: :joyfull: :joyfull:

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Yum!! That's one of the things I'm looking forward to in the US...DONUTS. I miss donuts!


Well-Known Member
Thank you!

All went better than I could have hoped for today. My Mom was in a strange mood, but she did put on a dress and a mostly black dress at that. She had been rambling about she wasn't going to wear a dress (I didn't care) and was going to just throw on a pair of pants. (My Mom had always dressed well so it was odd but whatever, Mom is rebelling thing.) I got to meet my great niece that is now 1 1/2 that I had yet to meet and that sure lightened the mood, she was a hoot. My niece and my Sis spoke and both of them did very well but my Sis kind of lost it and that made me sad for her but she regrouped. She is a very good public speaker. My niece and my Dad always bet on sports for years. She said Papa died too soon 'cause she thought she would have cleaned up with Cleveland this week winning. Made everyone laugh.

Saw some people I have not seen in a very long while and that was so nice. I side stepped some evil people real well and that worked out just fine. My MIL and adopted MIL were both there. The fake one (long story) has been my buddy as was her husband for decades and so nice of her to attend. It was kinda sad to see my real MIL as she is in assited living for a couple years and the dementia seems to have sunk in deeper. Not sure she knew where she was or why she was there. She was very social and she was just silent. I watched at the wake after that my BIL was explaining how to eat the pizza appetizer, that it was finger food and it seemed to confuse her. That was sad to see. Yet the 91 year old lady climbed a flight of stairs with no issues after a knee replacement a couple years ago. Go Figure.

We spent the balance of the afternoon with my Mom, my Sis and her family and mine at my Moms. My Sis will be there till late Monday so I will get a few days break at least. While there my Sis' hubby did all the legal crud for stocks and life insurance/dividends, tax obligations as he is a banker and a stockbroker. A relief I don't have to figure out all that.

So under the circumstances the day went very very well and I was pleased with all the arrangements I made for my Dad and the wake thereafter. And Done! :oops:
I'm glad you made it through ok. It must have been hard when people were speaking about him. My brother spoke at my mom's but I just couldn't do it. I was a sobbing wreck even without speaking. So glad you are through it and things can get back to a sort of new normal for you!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
You mentioned the DL one based on the movies? I have never seen the movies....not my thing, but I LOVED the PotC ride at WDW before the movies even existed. So which one is closer to the original ride, pre-movie?
They both have Jack Sparrow in the same places, but the DL version has several additional scenes that the WDW version lacks, plus two drops instead of one (since it goes outside the park). The additional scenes don't have Captain Jack Sparrow.

I've never seen the movies either actually.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Vacations are supposed to be for relaxing--that looks like a lot of work to me! ;) (Kidding aside, I suppose when you're hauling a big group around, and staying off-site for over a week, you probably need all that stuff. Better to buy it ahead of time.)
The lists are what makes us be able to HAVE a relaxing vacation, without having to worry about what we forgot, or where we are supposed to be. I am a list maker, too. My husband teases me. Last trip, I asked him to print off my lists, and he thought he was being funny by also making and printing off a "list of lists" which I thought I had made, but hadn't because I figured he'd laugh at me if I did. He laughed at me anyway, AND I got my list of lists, so... But, I have an address/phone number list that has all the people with whom we are staying while we're state-side, I have a list of all our ADRs with confirmation numbers and any relevant instructions like what kind of table to ask for, a complete itinerary with all of our fastpasses and ADR times, a list of books I want should I find them cheaply, a list of books I own so I don't get doubles, a list of things I want to bring back with me that I can't get here, a list of things to pack, a list of things that still need to be done or questions that still need to be asked, a list of things I still need to get before we leave, and I have all sorts of documents like medical passports for our prescriptions, a copy of my birth and marriage certificates, etc. I have a complete list of Disney's color coded and tells me whether it's counter service or table, if they accept the dining plan, what kind of cuisine it is, if they have a childrens menu and what's on it, and it highlights any particular items at that venue that have either been recommended (yellow) or that sound interesting to one of us that we want to try (green). Yes, it's a HUGE amount of work, but when we're walking through Disney and need to decide where we want to go for a snack or a counter service meal, I can pull out that list faster than I can look up the website and go through all the menus. And all the lists just make a very organized trip...we're traveling for a full month over seas with multiple destinations and 2 just can't do fly by the seat of your pants under those conditions and expect not to have disasters.


Premium Member
The lists are what makes us be able to HAVE a relaxing vacation, without having to worry about what we forgot, or where we are supposed to be. I am a list maker, too. My husband teases me. Last trip, I asked him to print off my lists, and he thought he was being funny by also making and printing off a "list of lists" which I thought I had made, but hadn't because I figured he'd laugh at me if I did. He laughed at me anyway, AND I got my list of lists, so... But, I have an address/phone number list that has all the people with whom we are staying while we're state-side, I have a list of all our ADRs with confirmation numbers and any relevant instructions like what kind of table to ask for, a complete itinerary with all of our fastpasses and ADR times, a list of books I want should I find them cheaply, a list of books I own so I don't get doubles, a list of things I want to bring back with me that I can't get here, a list of things to pack, a list of things that still need to be done or questions that still need to be asked, a list of things I still need to get before we leave, and I have all sorts of documents like medical passports for our prescriptions, a copy of my birth and marriage certificates, etc. I have a complete list of Disney's color coded and tells me whether it's counter service or table, if they accept the dining plan, what kind of cuisine it is, if they have a childrens menu and what's on it, and it highlights any particular items at that venue that have either been recommended (yellow) or that sound interesting to one of us that we want to try (green). Yes, it's a HUGE amount of work, but when we're walking through Disney and need to decide where we want to go for a snack or a counter service meal, I can pull out that list faster than I can look up the website and go through all the menus. And all the lists just make a very organized trip...we're traveling for a full month over seas with multiple destinations and 2 just can't do fly by the seat of your pants under those conditions and expect not to have disasters.

Yup. That's why I said "kidding aside" to Figgy. I completely understand that it's very different to organize a trip for a group of people, of various ages and interests, versus a solo trip.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm glad you made it through ok. It must have been hard when people were speaking about him. My brother spoke at my mom's but I just couldn't do it. I was a sobbing wreck even without speaking. So glad you are through it and things can get back to a sort of new normal for you!

Thanks. I have so much to do, instead I'm in a veggie state. Think my brain just needs to chill. My dress, my DD dress and my DS suit are still flung on the sofa where I tossed them all when we walked in the door last evening. I just don't want to accomplish anything. Not moaning more just drained.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I just wanted to send you a group hug.

Awe. I would have liked to have witnessed that in person! :inlove:


Premium Member
Thanks. I have so much to do, instead I'm in a veggie state. Think my brain just needs to chill. My dress, my DD dress and my DS suit are still flung on the sofa where I tossed them all when we walked in the door last evening. I just don't want to accomplish anything. Not moaning more just drained.

You need rest. Sit on the sofa with Walt and watch TV.

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