Hey y'all, just wanted to pop in to say hi and hope everyone is doing well, especially with all this awful news the past couple of weeks. It definitely puts things in perspective when it comes to the stuff in my own life by realizing it could be so much worse. Having said that, my divorce is still at a standstill with our trial scheduled for September, although I've been told my ex would like to avoid trial due to the cost. However, he still believes that the current custody schedule is in our daughter's best interest, so until he changes his mind, I'm willing to take it to court. I've had to deal with him more lately due to coordinating a summer schedule for our daughter in regard to camps, activities, and vacation time, and it's been a bit bumpy but manageable. He's still acting like a jerk, though. Good news is I get my daughter for a week in August, so I'm taking her up to Seattle, since my dad and my brother and his family live up there, as well as one of my best friends.
I'm also still dating the same guy and we just celebrated our 3-month anniversary on Saturday - woohoo!
Big hugs and kisses to everyone!! xoxo