Well-Known Member
We never went the pull-ups route. Actually, both my kids were one day diapers to the next day undies kids. DD wanted to wear big girl panties because I had gotten a whole bunch of pretty pink ones with the princesses on them for when she was ready. She saw them and said she wanted to wear them. I said she had to be able to go on the potty every time before she should wear them, and she said she would. I said we'd try it, and that was it. Never a single accident. DS was pretty much the same way...we just gave him underwear one day probably cars or something) and told him he needed to go on the potty and he did. He's had a few accidents over the years because he starts playing and waits too long, but still...we never needed pull-ups. But then, we weren't in an amusement park while we were potty training, though we DID have a period where he asked every time we went to the grocery store if he could use their bathroom. I finally lied to him and told him to go before we went to the store that their toilet was broken, so he'd better go now. Once I got him out of that habit, we were fine.I guess they were potty training. Seemed funny to me. But, pull ups didn't exist when my daughter was that age. We went from diapers to panties, back in the day.