My kids when small always received new Jammies on Christmas Eve at my folks so they would look nice for photo's Christmas Morning, my quirk. Christmas morning with the tree were fun but then it was overdrive. 4 people showered, a path through livingroom, breakfast and then to preparing what I had to bring to MILs home for that side of the family and it originally went from about 11am till 9pm in the early days of the kids. Me and my 2 SILs became the Cinderella's of Christmas. We put an end eventually as the amount of grandkids came about to a 3pm start, one meal and dessert. Still the process of presents with 7 grandkids and 8 adults plus stockings was torture cause only one present and one person could open at a time and no ripping that paper! Stockings were the same way. One person at a time, everyone could take one thing out of the sock and then it was the next person's turn. Stockings were saved until dessert. By this time all the kids were tired from 2 days of Christmas events, many of us had to go to work or daycare the next morning. We always had a week without work happening between Christmas and New Year. Blessed. So the day after Christmas was our free for all. Jammies or sweat's. Toys being put together and played with. It was the decompress day.