Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
That's sad . . .I'm just the opposite: I drag out Christmas for at least another week!
Christmas decorations still up, I put on the tree lights every evening, look at the (opened) presents underneath, look at the Christmas cards I put up on the wall, etc. I'm even drinking coffee now from my Lenox Holly design china cup and saucer. Even the Christmas china set won't get put away for another week, at least. (But, I suppose you're probably more mature than I am, and can face the fact that Christmas was over 2 days ago. I think I'm stuck in a 4-year-old child's time warp mentality, when it comes to post-Christmas.
) Some of us never outgrew our childhood; either that, or maybe my "second childhood" is even more fun than the first??!
Ha! I'd love to play 4 year old. Most of that left when I became a Mom and lived vicariously through their childhoods.
But I obviously unintentionally misspoke or partially. My house after 2 days of Christmas looked like a war zone. The tree which is much smaller than it was when the kids were growing up and lives on an end-table and the decorations I had out inside and out are still very much out. Likely will come down somewhere around New Years. All the mess of the 2 days is what is gone and 85% of all the newly aquired stuff now has a home or has been put away. I have more statement pieces out verses the Holy Christmas stuff when my kids were growing up so it isn't very overwhelming.
Outside was also more subtle this year. That stuff was out until Valentines Day when my DH literally had to dig it out. Have not gotten over that yet so the Disney Dudes and Pooh Dudes I put a year moratorium on.