Premium Member
Yesterday's pork chops meal came out great! My sister brought over cupcakes and cookies for dessert, and they were delicious, too. Got some nice gifts including Maleficent DVD (I'll watch that this weekend, haven't seen the movie yet), and some gift cards.
My big present from hubby is a new computer. Well, it's not "new" per se, but he knows electronics, etc., and got a very good deal on a quality used one. (Sometimes, he'll build a computer, but he said that this one had all the bells and whistles and was good just the way it came.) My old computer had the old Windows, and this one has Windows 7 (I have Windows 7 at work as well). All I use the computer for at home is for this forum, internet searches, and email. I never do anything like online banking or whatever. So this newer computer probably has way more than what I need on it, but it's fun to have something newer, after about 8 years of the older computer.
My big present from hubby is a new computer. Well, it's not "new" per se, but he knows electronics, etc., and got a very good deal on a quality used one. (Sometimes, he'll build a computer, but he said that this one had all the bells and whistles and was good just the way it came.) My old computer had the old Windows, and this one has Windows 7 (I have Windows 7 at work as well). All I use the computer for at home is for this forum, internet searches, and email. I never do anything like online banking or whatever. So this newer computer probably has way more than what I need on it, but it's fun to have something newer, after about 8 years of the older computer.