The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
At least they're working things out. At least that's a good thing in a very bad situation. I wish them nothing but the best. They're lucky to have you.

I'm happy to hear @Goofyernmost DDs are working through all this too. I said a while back I didn't agree with something my Sis and Mom decided and I took a step back and accepted 2 to 1, they win, not that there is any winning in all this. Now that things are getting somewhat worse we are all on the same page and I actually had an ICU Doc come down to speak with me, take a look at my Dad, come back and speak with me again, he certainly was looking for family direction and I gave it to him. Then 8 hours later I just went home and screamed into a pillow. :banghead: I've actually kept The Goofy's DD in mind as I try to absorb the Big Picture here. Sometimes all the sharing we do here is helpful.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Yup. Seen that scenario play out multiple times with my own parents, (may God rest their souls). It's rough for the patient and the family to ride that up and down seesaw. If you can, take breaks for yourself and walk outside the hospital and get some fresh air. See some different things to give your mind a rest a few times a day.

Thank you. I do take breaks where he is now. Where they took him from it wasn't possible and very depressing. I really hope he doesn't go back there. I've indulged myself to multiple Starbucks in the lobby too. Hospital Coffee is Nasty.

My Mom had told me she wasn't coming when I was within 5 minutes of the hospital. I pulled over to see why she was calling. After about an hour with Dad I went down to Starbucks and sat in a nice and peaceful sitting area that was quiet to regroup, update my Mom and Sis and Mom didn't answer. Found out when I went back upstairs and she was sitting in my Dad's room. Then wigg'd out of where was I? The nurses didn't know where I was and you just disappeared. Whoa! If someone overheard without seeing us the guess would have been I was a small child that had wandered away. Yep, I needed another break and this time a Mocha Latte. :)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Don't blink, college will be over before you know it.

Yes indeed. An experience like no other. My youngest is out now 2 years and still mourns the separation even though she is very happy with the start of her career. My DS had the time of his life at his University but I think he looks back more fondly at his time in the Disney College Program.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
When we were kids (4 of us) at home, my parents allowed each one of us 15 minutes per day, to talk to our chummies on the family phone. I would sometimes whisper to my pals on the phone (remember--the phone was hung on the wall in the kitchen, and everyone would be walking in and out of there . . .), so that I could keep all my brilliant, high-level conversations "exclusive" to only those esteemed members, who were in my circle of friends! :D

I'm jealous now of kids walking around at any hour of the day, with their OWN phones, and all the privacy and time they need for their conversations! :banghead:

My DS was 15 when he got his first cell. It was also the first year allowed in a high school. Back then the minutes were very limited as were text.

My DD got one at age 9. She was never a text or phone person back then and it was bought for her because she was in a wheelchair on a disability bus, some of the worst bus service out there for schools. Me, I'm glad my kids just eek'd bye the dawning of data and smart phones while minors. That fine line of privacy and really needing to somewhat know what is happening with your own kids. My biggest tech issue back then was the amount of time my DS was spending IM'ing vs doing his homework.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I just remember another strange one that I used to gross out my Grandson. We have a Chinese Buffet in town that has Pigs Ears. So I got one and proceed to eat it and dared him to do so (he didn't, what a coward). They don't have much flavor but consist of very chewy cartilage. That one got a better reaction then the Frogs legs did.

Pork is a big thing in North Carolina. There is a pork store not to far from here where you can buy, for food, any part of the pig. (internal and external) The first thing that greets you when you walk in is a display cooler that have pig faces (complete) for sale. I was going to ask how that was prepared but decided that I really didn't want to know.

Up here most of the Variety Meats are either processed into Animal Food or Dog Treats. Walt this weekend received the Biggest Pig Ear I had ever seen. For Easter the bunny left in his basket a Cow Ear. Never saw those in the Pet Store prior.

What else I saw that just dumbfounded me in the Pet Store, Dog Chew Food product area....Tree Root sections. They do have a softer texture than wood from other parts of the tree. It also had been cleaned and sanitized somehow and cut into neat 3 x 5 inch sections or so.
I was curious but I'd never want to teach a Pup to chew wood. Cost: $12.99 for a hunk of tree root. :eek:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Funny, I never have been much of a phone chit chat person...except for when DWifey and I were dating. ;)
I'm still not much for it. By far and away, most of my time on my cell phone is spent on the Internet. :cyclops:

We are a text family. Phone rare. 2x a week I'll walk my DD to her car via when she is alone and it is dark out leaving the University. Neither of us care for the timing of her being in that lot. During the summer when she has to close the waterpark and must walk the entire facility before she leaves and then goes out into the parking lot I walk her to her car via phone too. But it is funny to hear the different sounds of the waterpark during her walk though. I've learned the sounds of the pump room, the waterfall, the spitting water etc.

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