The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
We are now having winds of 45 mph and the snow is rolling in. We just got home from walking at the mall, having a shared lunch there, getting hubby's beer. We made it home just in time. I hope we keep our power.
The climate is crazy.
We had 2 cold fronts with rains and record low temps a few weeks ago.
Now we're getting warnings of heat waves (35C+ temps.. in some areas can reach 45C+ temps)

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Agreed. I was told I shouldn't waste my time and money on college, because I am female and if by "some miracle" I made it through college and actually graduated, my degree would be worthless, because woman only need to go to college to find a husband to support them, and the only suitable careers for women were teachers, nurses, or secretaries, and only until you get married. I wish I had a dad like @Goofyernmost to tell me I could be anything I wanted and that I was important just as a person.
Yes, we had the same upbringing. :(

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Hello, all! I have returned from the desert. Absolutely beautiful, and I found my palm tree, conveniently located in Dad's backyard. Next to the pool, and not far from an orange tree. :D
It's my birthday, today, the sun is hiding (actually talking thunder storms), and if you would all be so kind to send me back to the desert, that would be great!:cool:
We live in what is called the high desert. It's snowing right now. You don't want this desert. You want the warm one.;);)Happy Birthday . :joyfull::joyfull::joyfull:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
This has been an interesting exchange of ideas between @Goofyernmost , @StarWarsGirl , and yourself. This is a multi-layer discussion. My thoughts are that we are all individuals, no matter what gender we are, and not one size fits all.

I've often thought that @Goofyernmost and also @donaldtoo were ahead of the curve in showing respect to women, and teaching their daughters things like basic auto mechanics, for example. I never was taught any of that, and that's nothing against my own father or brothers. It was just the general mind set at the time I was growing up. Also, I wasn't the type of teenager to be interested in that. I was too busy trying to look pretty for the cute boys! Ha! :D

Times are evolving, and I think now that the younger generation of women are brought up more career minded which is great. I do believe, however, that the glass ceiling is still in certain places, for some women who aspire to senior leadership positions. It ticks me off that they have to fight to break through, and I'm sure some have done their best and failed. (Yes, sometimes even fighting for what's right isn't enough and that's sad.) What a shame; we've probably lost some great leaders due to that. In a democratic society, no one should feel like they have to fight for something, if they are of equal qualifications, simply because of gender.

I agree...I am about the last person to follow the trends. I dress for comfort over style, and I don't really care so much about what other people think. My MIL hates it when I wear a sleeveless shirt without a blouse over the top....but if it's hot outside, I'm not wearing layers and I don't care if you think my jiggly arms look ugly. I'm not dressing to impress you. I'm dressing to be comfortable. And if what's in style is not something I feel good in, or like I look nice, I just won't buy it...who cares that that's what everyone else is wearing. 2 words, people: Mall Hair. (google it)
Beyond that, there are some products that we can not avoid buying...they are necessities. Sure, we can buy men's deodorant, or shampoo, or razors...we can even buy men's clothing, though it probably won't fit most of us very well since our bodies are completely different in proportion. But, I defy any woman with my bust size to go without the support of good undergarments. I can't even get the pretty, lacy jobbies because they just don't make them in my size. And I can't just walk into any lingerie store to buy one...I have to go to a specialty shop and I'm pretty much limited to one of about 3 styles that come in my size. But I can't just NOT wear one, because OWWWW. And then feminine hygiene products....did you know they are listed as a "luxury" item? My friend on welfare can't buy them with her EBT card, because it's considered a luxury. Those aren't things we have the luxury of not needing, and there is no alternative male version that we can substitute.
And then there was the hearing about women's reproductive health in regard to the affordable care act...that didn't include a single female on the panel. And then we were called whiners and sluts when we pointed that out. It's not a simple matter of demanding what we's changing an entire mentality so that our demands are heard.



And state by state women are fighting the Luxury Pink Tax on Feminine Products and in addition opt out providing covered prescriptions for female specific drugs. Me, I find it unconscionable that these items our government classified as a Luxury or debatable in the first place.

I know there has been so much fun had at her expense but just look at Meg. She climbed that corporate challenge despite some very debilitating physical conditions. Like her or not she is criticized in a more personal way than other male Disney Corporates are. I see posts year after year poking fun at her looks, her manner of dress, her hair very similar to what I have seen for decades with Hilary. I am not surprised that many women just stop fighting the fight because they are not being judged just not on what they have or have not accomplished but on their looks, attire and if they are smiling or not. It does get old. So even when they do break through the ceiling many are still being criticized in a rubric category that should not exist.


Well-Known Member
That's it....we're raising them to be good ADULTS. They have to be able to succeed on their own, so we have to teach them how. It's more work with DS because he has more obstacles. We've had him in physical therapy for his motor skills delay, we've had him at the Psychologist to work on emotional/social development, and soccer helps him a bit with both those areas, though we still notice that he is behind. And his social/emotional problems are pretty obvious at school because he's the youngest in his class...he's 6 months to a year younger than most of the kids. At 8, that year makes a HUGE difference. We could hold him back a year so that he's with kids more on his level in that regard, BUT, cognitively, he's ahead of all of the kids who are a year older...he's got the best grades in his class and scores the highest on the national exams for his grade. So if we hold him back a year to catch up socially, he'd be bored out of his gourd with the classwork. It's a struggle. We can't have it both ways, so we just do what we can to help him in the areas where he's weak. He's getting there...he's a work in progress. (aren't we all?) I hope we're doing the right things.

Yep, I know from where you speak.
Our 1 lb. 4 oz. super premie special needs DS put a whole other dynamic into the mix with our 3 kiddos.
Still challenges to face, but, we're up for it. ;) :)

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