The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
After four years of the french language I was taught it was temz. Yes, my teacher had gone to France many times and learned to speak the native language. Glad I remember something. I won't be using this , as I won't get to France. Although I wanted to go. Now, I "see France, in Las Vegas, or Disney". I do like La Halles pastries though!:D:hungry::hungry::hungry:

Except, the Thames (Temz) runs through London, "Engaland"...! ;)


Well-Known Member
I have real mixed emotions about any collaborative projects. College is so freak'n expensive and a stupid team member can really tank your grade even one tries to pick up the slack. Or a C or a B might be great to some team members but for students like my DD and @StarWarsGirl who are working towards highest honors and likely Grad School where it matters these twits can definitely leave their everlasting mark.

And then there is the plus side that nobody can think through while being aggravated by all the group projects. They really do expose you to what will happen the rest of life. Having to work with and learn how to deal with coworkers that have attitudes or don't pull their weight with group projects. The last thing bosses want to deal with is ragg'n about their co-workers etc. Group projects kinda teach those skills that will be needed in so many careers. So much to loose, so much to gain. No right answers.
Well, to be fair, one would HOPE that in a work situation, if someone isn't pulling their weight, they won't have that job for long. But in reality, it doesn't always work that way. Hubby and I worked for Walmart when we were still living in the US. We had a coworker who was such a slacker...actually several of them. But this one was really bad and he eventually got fired when one of the managers found him napping in one of the back rooms while he was supposed to be working. But it took 6 months or so for them to finally fire him, even after several such instances. Not a very bright kid....he didn't learn from his mistakes. He was really funny though, just because he was such an idiot. He asked hubby where he was from and Hubby says The Netherlands. The kid said his girlfriend's mom was sending them to Amsterdam in the summer and he asked if that was anywhere near the Netherlands. Then when hubby explained that Amsterdam is IN the Netherlands (he thought it was its own country), he asked if he'd be allowed to take pictures there, or if he'd get caned for that. Without missing a beat, hubby says "Oh no, that's out-dated. We stone people now instead."


Well-Known Member
Any structural damage will cause a plane to be grounded. What may look like a ding or dent may be a bigger problem.

Yes, indeed.
I remember a flight of ours being cancelled many years ago because of a dent in the nose of the plane. That can, potentially, be serious stuff at 500+ mph at altitude.
I've read about and watched programs about the first De Havilland Comet (first pressurized jetliners) air disasters happening way back when. Metal fatigue due to something as "simple" as the square shaped windows, that were later modified. Can't be too careful about that stuff.
Don't see too many "jetliners" flying around with dings on 'em... ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I was given a $200 voucher from the airline yesterday. Now I'm trying to decide if I should use it for California for DL or Orlando. Ah, decisions decisions....
Wow!!! Why the voucher! That's pretty amazing! On our last trip to Disney, we had a 7 hour delay, they lost our car seat for one of the kids, and we missed our connection and instead of putting us on another flight, they put us on a bus, and all we got was a $15 voucher for each of us for dinner in the airport because we were stuck there during dinner time. And that was for an international flight and we ended up having to leave at midnight. That was the trip from a very hot place and we got no compensation except dinner...and it didn't even pay for our whole dinner! What airline was awesome enough to give you $200?


Well-Known Member
Good late morning. I will be taking a long nap today, hubby was up most of the night upchucking. The rest of the stone keeps moving, but not out so far. I'm having trouble getting a beer down him. He is tired of this, I don't blame him. I waited three weeks once to get surgery, that seems like a life time. I did go out and shovel the driveway. This Saturday we are going to get 6 to 10 more inches of snow. We were going to meet the kids for a late lunch on Sunday. It's kind of up in the air at the moment.
Oh no!! That sounds miserable! How are the streets? Will you be able to get to a hospital if you need to?


Well-Known Member
I'm off to bed. LONG day. My MIL's birthday today, and we helped out serving for her party. On the upside, I'm SO glad I had the injection in my hip last week...without it, I wouldn't be able to move now. My hip would have been pretty well shot by the end of a day like today. But I have only a slight twinge and even that is less pain than I've had after a day like today since before my kids were born!
And there was some fun entertainment....DH's aunt kept bragging about how she had tried to sell her 45 year old ironing board on a Dutch site kind of like ebay and that someone had offered 5 euros for it, but she thought that was too little, and how she bought a 2nd hand umbrella for only 1.25!! So funny!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Nice picture, and I miss the old stations. Back then, the man would come out and check the oil in my parents' car, wash the windshield, and put in gas. That kind of service was STANDARD. Can't stand the way gas stations are now.

Oh, by the way, gas went from 1.79 to 1.89 in the past week (I keep an eye on one station in particular). What's up with that? I'm sure your prices are still ridiculously low, as usual. :cautious:

Mid week we were upto $2.10/gallon


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
This is one of the things I got from the Disney Store in Tokyo

I think you might like this, @brb1006


Premium Member
Aw, sympathy like. I'm so sorry!! Why does a dent mean you can't fly? How far is the airport from home? Is there a shuttle or something?

Wow!!! Why the voucher! That's pretty amazing! On our last trip to Disney, we had a 7 hour delay, they lost our car seat for one of the kids, and we missed our connection and instead of putting us on another flight, they put us on a bus, and all we got was a $15 voucher for each of us for dinner in the airport because we were stuck there during dinner time. And that was for an international flight and we ended up having to leave at midnight. That was the trip from a very hot place and we got no compensation except dinner...and it didn't even pay for our whole dinner! What airline was awesome enough to give you $200?

I don't know why they couldn't fly with the dent but what donaldtoo said makes sense, I'm sure it was some safety thing. I was in Orlando and trying to get home to Wisconsin (flying into Minneapolis). The airline I flew on is a Minnesota based company Sun Country. They are a pretty good airline and I think they are quite proud of their customer service, hence getting the $200 voucher and we got vouchers for lunch too. Oh and on they flight they gave all of us a meal, which they don't normally do. I like to fly with them because they have all nonstop flights to Orlando and Los Angeles which is where I fly to the most. The company started off as a charter service and has really grown. I think the voucher was a nice touch, when I got bumped off of American Airlines I only got a $50 voucher (but that was many moons ago).


Premium Member
The urologist said that drinking beer and doing exercise, as in walking, riding our indoor bike, has been effective in passing stones. It was a revelation to us. We now have beer in the refrigerator for such emergency's. We both hate the taste, so it will probably be used on my hair as a rinse for strength. The beer drinking puzzle's me too. I may have to google it to find out. Hubby was in so much pain at the time, I didn't ask for an explanation.

I googled it quick, it looks like beer like cranberry juice dilates the tubing so the stone can move out and prevent build up.

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