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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I loved the movie but if this rumour is true...Disney is going downhill faster than we thought. I say downhill in an imaginative company like how Apple was (so people say Apple was), not profit wise.

Everything doesn't have to be a (based on a movie). Splash Mountain is based on a movie, yes, but a movie no one knows about and it's the best ride in all the land.

There seems to be more to Tower than just branding. In this case it is the brand Disney can actually use to somewhat fit in with the existing attraction and then being able to dump off Twilight which they do not have ownership of, much like getting rid of MGM. And I agree, I do not care for the rebranding of attractions, more times IMO it doesn't improve the attraction and often cheapens it.


Well-Known Member
Granted, we're not in the teen years yet, but so far, my daughter is WAY easier than my son. I don't have to get on her much at all, her teachers love her, she's got the best grades in her class, I don't have to remind her to do homework if she has any...she WANTS to do it. And she is a smiley, happy girl. My son gets great grades at school, but he has emotional issues that make him harder to deal with. He's behind developmentally, so things like empathy haven't really developed yet and he still thinks that "fair" is him getting whatever he wants and he has meltdowns when things don't go the way he thought they would, though he is SO much better about that now than he was even a year ago. He's getting there, and he can be really funny and smart...I just have to do a lot more parenting with him than I do with DD...she pretty much parents herself.

Yep, again, every family dynamic is different. Sounds like y'all are up to speed and doing what needs to be done.
The way we looked at it was we brought these kids into the world, and love them very much, so we darn well want to, and better, put in the effort up front no matter how inconvenient it might be sometimes.
Granted, some parents do their very best and the poop still hits the fan later down the road. But, I'm pretty sure the vast majority of the time, when you put in the effort up front, you don't raise a sub par citizen, and it doesn't come back to bite you, and more importantly them, down the road. :)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
:hungover: I wouldn't want my kids drinking out of somebody else's water bottle:hungover:


We as a family do not drink from the same water bottles or glasses. At Disney we just bought one for each of us at a beverage stop or when the kids were small I'd split a cold bottle between two disposable bottles, it was lighter that way anyhow for them. My kids are still like that, they don't share well.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
:hungover: I wouldn't want my kids drinking out of somebody else's water bottle:hungover:


We as a family do not drink from the same water bottles or glasses. At Disney we just bought one for each of us at a beverage stop or when the kids were small I'd split a cold bottle between two disposable bottles, it was lighter that way anyhow for them. My kids are still like that, they don't share well.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
But what doesn't make sense to me is that it seems that the SWW were hugely popular and a big draw....WHY did they take them away? Star Wars land isn't due to be finished until 2017 or something right? Why take away your biggest draw in the time when you need it MOST, while you are redoing stuff and there's not much to do in that park?

My guess is this is the only reason they won't do it. Tower is nicer in Florida and a more popular attraction than it is in DL. But as I've read it is more for the Star in Cali transition than anything to do with FL. But it would be more of a cost splitting between two parks than all on the shoulders of the Cali park.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Fair enough. When I was there last, one of the Twilight movies had recently come out. So I HAD to find a theater. I don't even remember where it was, but it must have been on Disney property because we were able to take a bus for free from the theater to the Beach Club I think it was? And walk to Epcot from there. There probably aren't buses to Disney from off property, are there? Anyway, it was a nice theater.

There are both private and public transportation buses that service Disney. The Greater Orlando area actually has a very extensive public transit system. You can actually take a bus from MCO to limited areas within Disney for a couple dollars.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Just wondering something... does anyone know what this pond + creek is to Space Mountain? Is it just kept for for money reasons? For display? Can something be built on it if they felt like it? Because this would be prime real estate for a new very large e-ticket in a Tomorrowland expansion. Or does it have something to do with water drainage and/or the Utilidors? Thanks!
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I think its for water reclamation. WDW is a big higher than it, and there are a lot of water drains coming from the WDW side. You can see them when you do the Train.


Well-Known Member
Knocking on a lot of wood nobody has been sick here this year.:joyfull:

Same here, thankfully. Other than my usual, pretty much yearly, allergy thing a bit back we've not been sick (knock on wood - my head ;)) at all. No colds, no stomach or other types of flu. Pretty much the same as most years. :)
Sorry for all of y'all that have experienced different.
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Well-Known Member
So glad to hear that, Dr. said this has been one of the worst winter's in about 5 years. It must be your good eating habits, and not flying during the winter. This is our last trip to Disney in the winter time. I like spring time better anyway.

We flew (not flu ;)) there and back for our trip mid-ish last month and none of us came down with anything. Probably just luck, but none of us has ever been sick during, or directly after, a Disney trip.
'Course, then again, that's just in keeping with the (again, knock on my wood head :confused:) we don't get sick that often anyway theme...! :rolleyes: ;) :)

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