Ha! Time for myself, I'm so being torn in so many directions these days. My Dad WAS doing so well today, they had him for a few days out of theaters and with assistance walked to the restroom. WERE going to transfer him to a rehab center tomorrow. My Mom and Sis went back again late afternoon for his evening feeding. He was talking to my Sis about basketball, as normally as possible and then became totally disorientated etc. His heart rate shot up again. So they called in a Psych nurse practitioner. I don't agree. My gut is it has something to do with that big honk'n blood clot in his heart over sudden mental disorientation. Mixing him being a difficult elderly man, physical reactions to narcotics and a heart condition I think symptoms for other causes are being masked. He passed with flying colors a dementia onset test and passed a psych test over several days. I think they can't figure it all out so they want to transfer him out somewhere anywhere.