The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Did you ask him when you became his girlfriend, because the only person he needs to be buying a gift for is you?
2 years ago on Mother's Day, I had told hubby I didn't need a gift, all I wanted was a lazy day...a day off from all the things I always have to do. He apparently stopped listening after "I don't need a gift" because HE slept in, and I had to get up with the kids and get them breakfast, etc. Then I waited to get my own breakfast, thinking (silly me) that he and the kids might make breakfast FOR me...he got up, came downstairs and gets on the computer. I wait, thinking he just needs to wake up a bit..nothing....I hint that I'm really hungry. Finally, get up and go to make my own eggs and he's like "Oh! You're making eggs? Will you make me some too?" so I make HIS breakfast. Then lunch rolls around and we're at my in-laws where my MIL usually makes lunch, but on mother's day my FIL kicks her out of the kitchen and tells her to relax....but he can't cook. So guess who got to make lunch for the WHOLE family by herself? Me. And normally, the rule is whoever doesn't cook, cleans up. But DH goes back to what he's doing, and my MIL is not allowed to help because it's mother's day, but my FIL was recovering from a back injury and couldn't do it I got to do that, too...and dishes, which hubby and I agreed before we got married were his territory. But since we were at his parents' house, it's his dad's...who was injured. So I did the dishes. The only thing I DIDN'T have to do that day was cook dinner because my MIL had agreed the week before that neither of us were cooking and as my FIL CAN'T cook, we didn't want to make hubby do we ordered Chinese. We're on the way home and DH looks at me and smiles and says "So did you enjoy your lazy day?" and I thought he was joking...I just sat there looking at him trying to see if he was kidding and if he had some big surprise up his sleeve...but he was completely sincere. So I said "It was just like every other day." and I kid you not, he had the audacity to say "So you're saying you're lazy every day?" I have never wanted to punch him before in my life, but I certainly wanted to then. He never even noticed that it was HIM that got the lazy day while I did twice the work I normally do. He didn't figure it out until we were home and he wanted some grown-up time....I bet the look on my face was something to behold. He'd better not EVER make that mistake again. Hopefully your boys have rectified their lapse in judgment. If not, forget the tent. Let them sleep out in the open! Or you could make reservations for yourself at a nice restaurant and tell them to figure dinner out for themselves, you are taking the night off.
I love your last idea. Tell him you are taking the bill out of his Disney money.;) @figmentfan423.:D


Well-Known Member
I bet! We don't usually celebrate mine. It just gets too busy. We have a family dinner, and that's it. My son's is on the 3rd, Sinterklaas is celebrated the 5th, mine is the 9th, and my nephew's and my daughter's God mother's are both on the 16th. Mine is expendable. 3 of my friends here also have Dec. birthdays, on the 11th, the 13th, and the 19th, and the one whose birthday is on the 11th also has a son with the same birthday. None of use celebrate our own birthdays anymore because we're all together for my son's and the son of the one on the 11th. We just celebrate the kids' birthdays and call it good.
Well, as you can probably tell by my posts, I do not let my life go by unnoticed. My birthday is as important as anyone else's and I will not be overlooked, especially now that there aren't as many left to go as before. :( When my daughters moved to North Carolina before me, I drove from Vermont to here and back over a 5 day period just because it was my birthday. I wasn't about to let anyone think that just because they lived 900 miles away that my birthday was only going to be a card of good wishes. :mad: I got my cake :hungry: and some gifts, spent an extra day in the area and then headed back to Vermont because I had to be back to work on Monday. I'm guessing that is why I never got the Father of the Year award, I was unwilling to suffer in silence.:happy: That was in July and the temperature here was 106 degrees in the shade and there wasn't any shade. The following December 17th I retired and came to NC to spend Christmas with my family and was back home just after the New Year. I returned in mid-March to finalize my apartment selection. The following April 15th, I moved here permanently.:)


Well-Known Member
I love my Hubby so much when he gets up at 6 A.M. with my 3 year old because he knows I am exhausted because I was up several times in the night with our 1 month old.

All three of our kiddos are now adults and everything hasn't always been all "happy happy joy joy!", but, that's just one of the many reasons DWifey and myself have been married for over 27 years...teamwork...! :happy:

Howdy, and welcome to the party...! :)

Mickey Ears

Well-Known Member
All three of our kiddos are now adults and everything hasn't always been all "happy happy joy joy!", but, that's just one of the many reasons DWifey and myself have been married for over 27 years...teamwork...! :happy:

Howdy, and welcome to the party...! :)
Thanks for the welcome. We have been married since 2012 so technically we are still new at this. There are certainly times when things aren't all rosy, but for the most part I know I married the right man and he is a wonderful dad to our two little ones..

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