The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
My parents have let me have at least a little bit of alcohol when they've been drinking since I was about 14. After I turned 18, they started letting me have a glass. Which is legal in MD; an immediate family member can give you alcohol as long as they don't get you drunk. I think it actually benefited me because my parents knew I had the fascination with alcohol that comes from being related to my mom's side of the family, and because I was allowed to drink at home, drinking illegally was never even tempting for me. And once I turn 21 in 8 weeks, they'll be confident that I will be able to drink and know what I'm doing.

Your parents had the same approach as mine. As kids, we were always allowed to have a little, if we wanted it. You see, that's why I hardly drink at all as an adult. It was never "forbidden" to us as kids (as long as we were with our parents), so when the legal drinking age came about, and all my other friends went crazy over booze, I was always the sober one. I used to just sit back and watch them, and think, "What's the big deal about all this?"


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Good Morning!



Well-Known Member
My parents have let me have at least a little bit of alcohol when they've been drinking since I was about 14. After I turned 18, they started letting me have a glass. Which is legal in MD; an immediate family member can give you alcohol as long as they don't get you drunk. I think it actually benefited me because my parents knew I had the fascination with alcohol that comes from being related to my mom's side of the family, and because I was allowed to drink at home, drinking illegally was never even tempting for me. And once I turn 21 in 8 weeks, they'll be confident that I will be able to drink and know what I'm doing.
My mom always offered a taste if she had a wine cooler or something, but I had been through D.A.R.E. and I was very black and white about the law back then. In Wyoming, you can't give alcohol to minors, even your own children and I think there is a proximity law about minors not being allowed within so many yards of a place where Alcohol is served or something. Anyway, I was offended that my mom would break the law, even though it was just a sip. But now that I'm older, I'm not so rigid about those things and the drinking age here is either 16 or 18. I know it was 16 when I moved here, but there was talk about raising it to 18 and I'm not sure whether they did or not. But like you said, kids are kind of raised with it and it's not as much of a taboo. It does get pretty bad at clubs though.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I hear you I still haven't found a new bathing suit for my trip. All I want is something that covers enough so that my boys don't mind being seen with me at the water parks. Not way too expensive and cute all at the same time.:hilarious:

Yep, been looking for a new suit as is my DD. I usually buy separates with blue or black. The Top is always a Tankini that goes slightly longer than the waist and covers the chest well, not fun to get burnt there. I've done both skirt and running short styles for bottom but prefer the short shorts of the skirt version.

What I hate about swimwear is it never runs anywhere near the size that it marked. Think that is why the smallest women's size in most department stores start at size 8 vs smaller.


Well-Known Member
@figmentfan423 , Figgy, I hope I didn't miss your birthday. Was it yesterday? I'm sorry, but I can't keep up with this thread lately with my work and lengthy commuting schedules during the week. It's not the number of people on here, it's the number of posts. I think it's turning into more of a daytime members thread.
Thank you very much and I miss seeing you around here! Hopefully we can catch up more often


Well-Known Member
Yep, been looking for a new suit as is my DD. I usually buy separates with blue or black. The Top is always a Tankini that goes slightly longer than the waist and covers the chest well, not fun to get burnt there. I've done both skirt and running short styles for bottom but prefer the short shorts of the skirt version.

What I hate about swimwear is it never runs anywhere near the size that it marked. Think that is why the smallest women's size in most department stores start at size 8 vs smaller.
I really want a swim dress for water parks, less chance of wardrobe malfunction LOL. I'm also somewhat vertically challenged and am having no luck in my size. I am feeling a bit tall at 64 inches here:joyfull: It seems the only way to get coverage is the tankini route and I don't want to give up yet. I found one really cute one but it didn't come in my size.:mad: Hopefully I'll be able to find something before I go. To think I thought jeans shopping was bad:cautious::banghead:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My boys weren't sure about going to Turtle Talk but now they want to go!:)

I was surprised when my DS took me into Turtle Talk when he was doing the College Program. It was a good group of kids/adults. I have found Turtle experience to greatly vary by parents. Wish they would know if their kid should stay with them in seat or sit on floor. If kid bolts or object to being alone on floor wish they'd be considerate and just keep the kid with them.

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