The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
He had a great day. It wasn't sunny but warm for December so he was able to find his critter friends on his walks.
He knows Happy Birthday Walter phrase means something good is going to happen.

My surprise was he was loving the frosting on his cupcake (why by the way was good frosting) more than the cake part. He didn't start on the cake until all the Frosting was gone gone gone.

Oh, I love this! So happy that Walter had a fun doggie birthday! :joyfull: You and he both lucked out big time, when you found each other and became "forever" friends . . . awww . . . :)


Premium Member
About midnight last night it sounded like about 20 seconds of gunfire. A transformer blew up on the far backend of our property high up on a pole. DH called and about a hour later the power truck came. Bright yellow lights likely waking up the entire neighborhood who didn't hear the blasts earlier. DH managed to fall back asleep, as did Walt, DD up intermittentaly. I think it was 4pm when they were done. I could see @MinnieM123 posting away and I hadn't fallen asleep yet. :oops:

Power guy I could see thinking about entering my yard, I knew Walt was inside him not so much as he stopped and read my beware of dog sign posted.

There he is scanning the backyard with his bright flash light looking for Walt. I wish I had one that bright.

I really like your backyard sign! :D


Premium Member
@JenniferS , I really love all the decorations pix you have shared. Sure, some of it is a bit over the top, but the upbeat pictures have really put me in a very happy mood; and considering this is a work morning, that's saying something right there! ;)

The other part about the decorations I enjoy are the religious references to Christmas. It's so refreshing to see these in public, as they're not as prevalent over the past number of years in public displays.

Happy that you and hubby are having a great time! :happy:


Premium Member
@donaldtoo, knock on wood please. I worry about you.

I should defer to your medical expertise. However, just a random comment here, I've known plenty of people who have not had their wisdom teeth out. (I had mine out in my early 20s--easy, impacted in tissue only.) In my non-medical based opinion, it does seem to me, to be a bit of a carp shoot with wisdom teeth. Back in my grandparents' day, I don't think many people ever had them out.


Well-Known Member
I should defer to your medical expertise. However, just a random comment here, I've known plenty of people who have not had their wisdom teeth out. (I had mine out in my early 20s--easy, impacted in tissue only.) In my non-medical based opinion, it does seem to me, to be a bit of a carp shoot with wisdom teeth. Back in my grandparents' day, I don't think many people ever had them out.
Yeah I agree. I was just telling him to knock on wood because he was tempting fate. Its silly of me.


Well-Known Member
So I had to replace a car battery today....original one was still in my car (5 years old) so I got it replaced just in case for 5 years is a long time. $100 for a 12 month battery. I'm thinking I got screwed and I didn't even know they made 12 month batteries. I guess I should have asked for a 5 year battery but I didn't know they were going to give year battery.

It's okay though if I did get screwed because the mechanic has good prices. Replaced my big @$$ front windshield for $200 when everywhere else wanted $500 to $600 to do it.

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