Hi All! Sorry that I have not been on the boards in a LONG time! It's been crazy here ever since Thanksgiving. And this is a long one, so don't be too mad at me! I need some feedback from those who know best!!![]()
We just got back from WDW and it was a great trip! I'll try to post some of my favorite pics/moments later on.
First, I need your help. In the past, I've stated my concerns for FP+, but have also shared our awesome experiences with it. This trip, not so much: The app was awful - slow, wouldn't load or would load half a page, FPs disappeared but were still there in real life. (And I used their wifi and turned wifi off - no difference. Same on my DH's phone).
My main concern was trying to change a FP while in the parks. And I'll explain as though you all know what I'm talking about and have used it, so I can clarify if needed.
In the beginning of last week, if I chose the option to "change the experience" - the app would give me options for that specific time slot or tell me if nothing was available. Toward the middle of the week, if I chose the same option, it would be very glitchy and eventually do nothing, so I left them alone. (Which led to unused FPs -not cool). At the end of our stay (Wed and Thur), I chose "change the experience" and many options showed up (this should have been a red flag). Well, it would also change the time, without telling you the time until everything was finalized.
For example:
I had Splash Mountain from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
It was cold, so we wanted to see what else was available at that time (It was maybe 11:00 a.m. same day)
It showed that we could choose Meet Mickey in Town Square
So I selected this option.
It brought me to the screen that said - "congrats your FP+ has been changed."
However - We now had Meet Mickey at 8:50 p.m. - 9:50 p.m. Which we could not do.
I went to a kiosk and they said - oh it's been that way since January - it just picks a time. Um, no it hasn't and no it didn't.
When I asked - can I see the time choices on my app? The CM said no. I asked, don't they think this is a problem?? He said yes. Once he could see that I knew what I was talking about, he started to change his tone of "This is how it has always been" and told me I could talk to someone at the front of the park at the main FP+ place. Since I didn't want to take the time away from my son and family, I opted to just contact them when we got home, which is where I am now.
How can you plan without seeing the times? What if I had a meal at that time? I'm still frustrated and I hope I'm making sense. I'd like to send a more detailed (and well thought out) email to the powers that be to explain my frustration, but I wanted to get your feedback first.
Also - what email is the best to send my complaint to?
Thanks so much for reading my novelette and for any feedback!!![]()
We were there from the 3rd through the 10th. Our experience was exactly the same as yours! The app was horrible! I used airtime more than Wi-Fi due to the speed issue for my normal surfing needs. The app speed was so bad, we printed out our itinerary from the website and just got all our ride and reservation times from that. I gave up trying to change or add fast passes. We just used what we had, or not.
I just got an online survey and spelled it all out for them. Including the fact that the survey took over an hour to do because their server is slower than a snail stuck on flypaper...