We're here.
Hit duty-free before crossing the border. Spent $150 on stocking stuffers. I engaged the cashier in conversation, 'cause that's what I do, and she said she liked me and gave us 10% off everything. Nice.
Stopped in at Walden Galleria first. That place was mobbed. Stupid Canadians.

Scarcely anywhere to park, due to cars with Ontario plates. Stupid Canadians.

Every garbage can outside was over-flowing with discarded boxes, bags and tags. Stupid Canadians.
Bought a pair of boots for $40 (reg. $89.99) at Famous Footwear. Pic to follow later.
Went in to D-i-c-k's Sports. Each checkout was 20-30 deep. Pass.
Bought 2 funky lava lamps at Spencer's gifts. Not really a fan of that store anymore. I probably found it amusing before I grew up and got old. Now I just find most of it to be in poor taste.
Picked up a gift (a fan/clock, hard to explain) for Son #2, as he is now short in the gift department, given that I will not be buying a bunch of new stuff for his apartment.
Anyway, an hour in that chaos was enough. Will be much quieter tomorrow.
We are now checked in, chilling, and headed out to eat shortly, as neither of us has eaten. I fancy some Olive Garden. I know some folks like to disparage OG, but I find it to be filling, tasty food, at a reasonable price.
Besides, our fancy-schmancy dinner is tomorrow evening.