The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Yes. My understanding was Amy & crew had a contract dispute changed the story line in the end of season 6 and tanked the story line, that the writers took half of season 7 to right the story line. They tried to get another half season out of the actors but again from what I understand it was Rory that gummed that up not wanting to continue. Though I believe Alexis is coming back for this, don't think she did much since Gilmore Girls unlike Lauren Graham or Melisa McCarthy have.

Too bad it took so long for them to get most people together to finish it off but yes Amy will be doing it but too late for Richard but Emily has said to sign on. It is my understanding that Sookie, Melisa McCarthy won't be joining the cast. To be Netflix.

From Wiki
On January 29, 2016, Netflix and Warner Bros. officially confirmed the revival, tentatively titled Gilmore Girls: Seasons, stating that Lauren Graham, Alexis Bledel, Scott Patterson, Kelly Bishop, Sean Gunn and Keiko Agena are set to return.[5] Yanic Truesdale confirmed his return on Twitter later that day.[47] Filming of the new episodes is scheduled to start on February 2, 2016, with Amy Sherman-Palladino and Daniel Palladino also returning as writers and directors.[5]
Hard to imagine it without Melissa McCarthy, but I read that too...that it was unlikely she'd be joining the cast. I knew that there was a big falling out with the writers and whatnot, but I don't remember what it was that happened. I guess I need to convince my husband to get Netflix! I have no idea how it works though...can you just watch what you want when you feel like it?


Premium Member
I discovered I really like enjoying my morning coffee at Grizzly Peak.
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For some reason this sign made me giggle.
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And apparently I never knew before there was this route to Radiator Springs. :confused:
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Usually I get the Luigi scene, so I was happy to snap this pic on one of my RSR rides.
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I had booked the passholder rate for my stay, which included a free Fast Pass for each day, although I got an extra one at Grand Californian (presumably for my bday). :happy:
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I used one of the FPs on Hyperspace Mountain, since it doesn't have a single rider line.
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This porch looks so innocent, doesn't it?
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As many times as I tried, this was the only marginally decent pic.
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Awesome pictures!


Well-Known Member
You fared better than my mom did. My mom's parents, especially her mother, didn't like the choices she was making at 18/19 years old. They were perfectly fine choices, and among those was my father. My mom was 19 when she got married. She and my dad had planned to marry when she finished college. but my mom's parents pulled her college fund and they were making life for her at home miserable, and my dad was fresh out of law school, so financially and for her sanity, it made sense for them to marry. Her parents refused to attend her wedding.

My mom called her mother regularly even after she was married, but her mother never called her and never made any efforts with her or my father (and both her parents hated my father at the time, which considering she's the only one out of her siblings who is still married, is a bit amusing). She finally gave up when I was born almost 10 years later and her parents didn't come to see me at the hospital, nor when I got home. My grandmother didn't even call her mother to tell her she had a great grandchild. My brother and I had a relationship with our great grandmother and our mom's aunts growing up, and I remember meeting my mom's younger brother several times (they talk almost weekly now and text even more) but never our grandparents.

My great grandmother died when I was 13, and we started having more to do with our extended family (they didn't care whether my grandparents, especially my grandmother, showed up for family get togethers or not). I met my grandparents a few times at these, although my grandmother forgot my name one time (which I then reported to my aunt, who then had a word with her sister), but my brother was their only grandson and she loved him, although she would never admit it.

My grandmother finally died in 2011. She and my mom never reconciled. My mom has since reconciled with her father. I told her that if he wants to make the effort with me, I'll allow it, but after he has ignored us most of my life, I would not be making an effort to have a relationship, not like I make the effort with my dad's mother.
That's so sad, and I'm sorry you had to grow up without a relationship with your grandparents. It's amazing to me how stubborn people can get when they don't get their way. My mom was just so used to me doing what she wanted me to do...I was the kid who didn't rebel. I didn't sneak out of the house at night, I was always on time, I was at the top of my class academically, I was involved in lots of after school activities so I didn't really have time to cause trouble, and because we were pretty poor and lived in a somewhat rich area, I was about as unpopular as it was possible to be, so she didn't have to worry about one was asking me out on dates. She got used to me being obedient and not going out or dating or doing any of the things that make parents worry. So when I went off to college and she couldn't tell me when I had to be home, or that I couldn't go out with my friends (especially boys), or interfere with my school or work schedules, I think she kind of panicked. She didn't want me to date AT ALL much less be engaged. She liked my boyfriend just fine until I told her we were engaged. So I think it was more about the loss of control. She sent me a letter once...I think it was something like 9 pages long telling me how disappointing I was to her, how she didn't understand why I waited until college to rebel, that she had been so happy she hadn't had to go through that rebellious teenager stage that most parents dealt with, and why did I have to be so difficult, couldn't I just do what she told me to do as the bible says to honor thy mother and father, etc. So I wrote back to her asking how it was possible to be disappointed in me when I wasn't doing anything wrong. I told her it could be SO much worse...I wasn't out drinking and doing drugs or being promiscuous in any way, she wasn't having to bail me out financially, I paid my own way and got good grades. And I told her it wasn't "rebelling" when you were already a legal adult. I did what she wanted when I was a minor, but now I was living on my own and it was time for me to be independent and while she was welcome to give me advice, I wasn't obligated to take it and she couldn't make demands. I told her she might not always like my decisions, but they were still mine to make.
I imagine it was very hard for her to hear that...I suppose maybe I SHOULD have rebelled a bit in high school instead of being responsible and obedient all the time...she wasn't used to me digging my feet in and saying "no" to her. I'm glad that eventually we at least somewhat made peace with each other before she passed...I'm sorry your mom didn't really get to do that.


Well-Known Member
I usually ask my girls even when on a family trip to just text me and let me know when they get there and when they get back home. It is usually expanded to include "where I am now" types of texts, but, they know that in spite of the fact that I do not control them, nor try to, I'm still a Dad and they are my babies. All I want to know is if they are alright. If there is no other reason for loving cell phones, that is certainly one of them.
Always a good idea to let someone know where you are anyway, whether it's your parents or a friend or neighbor. We always had that system with my mom that if we were going to the movies, we called before we left the town where the movie theater was, to let her know we were on our way. If we weren't home in an hour, she needed to come looking for us. (This was before cell phones we a "thing" so we just called from a payphone.) There was one time that we had gotten out of the movies, headed to a gas station to fill up and get snacks, and the car wouldn't start. So we had to call my mom and then we walked over to Perkins because it was open 24 hours and it was an hour drive from our town to the one with the theater, so we got pie and drinks at Perkins while we waited for my mom to come pick us up. And there was one time that we got stranded on a dead country road. My dad lived on a ranch 20 miles out of town and he had a gas tank there, so we used to go out to fill up the car before we drove into town, but the car died on the way to the ranch on a stretch of road that is not well traveled. I think we were sitting there for a couple of hours before someone came by, and since the nearest ranch or town was 10 miles away, we couldn't just walk to someone's house and call, so we had to just sit and wait. The nice thing about Wyoming is that if someone sees you stopped on the side of the road, they will almost always stop and ask if you need help. So the guy picked us up and took us to dad's and dad brought us home. After that, I think we also started calling mom when we GOT to town, not just before we left to come home. If we'd done that in the first place, we wouldn't have had to sit there for 2 hours waiting for someone to come by.


Premium Member
Hard to imagine it without Melissa McCarthy, but I read that too...that it was unlikely she'd be joining the cast. I knew that there was a big falling out with the writers and whatnot, but I don't remember what it was that happened. I guess I need to convince my husband to get Netflix! I have no idea how it works though...can you just watch what you want when you feel like it?
Yes you can watch whatever you want when ever you like as long as they have it.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
That's so sad, and I'm sorry you had to grow up without a relationship with your grandparents. It's amazing to me how stubborn people can get when they don't get their way. My mom was just so used to me doing what she wanted me to do...I was the kid who didn't rebel. I didn't sneak out of the house at night, I was always on time, I was at the top of my class academically, I was involved in lots of after school activities so I didn't really have time to cause trouble, and because we were pretty poor and lived in a somewhat rich area, I was about as unpopular as it was possible to be, so she didn't have to worry about one was asking me out on dates. She got used to me being obedient and not going out or dating or doing any of the things that make parents worry. So when I went off to college and she couldn't tell me when I had to be home, or that I couldn't go out with my friends (especially boys), or interfere with my school or work schedules, I think she kind of panicked. She didn't want me to date AT ALL much less be engaged. She liked my boyfriend just fine until I told her we were engaged. So I think it was more about the loss of control. She sent me a letter once...I think it was something like 9 pages long telling me how disappointing I was to her, how she didn't understand why I waited until college to rebel, that she had been so happy she hadn't had to go through that rebellious teenager stage that most parents dealt with, and why did I have to be so difficult, couldn't I just do what she told me to do as the bible says to honor thy mother and father, etc. So I wrote back to her asking how it was possible to be disappointed in me when I wasn't doing anything wrong. I told her it could be SO much worse...I wasn't out drinking and doing drugs or being promiscuous in any way, she wasn't having to bail me out financially, I paid my own way and got good grades. And I told her it wasn't "rebelling" when you were already a legal adult. I did what she wanted when I was a minor, but now I was living on my own and it was time for me to be independent and while she was welcome to give me advice, I wasn't obligated to take it and she couldn't make demands. I told her she might not always like my decisions, but they were still mine to make.
I imagine it was very hard for her to hear that...I suppose maybe I SHOULD have rebelled a bit in high school instead of being responsible and obedient all the time...she wasn't used to me digging my feet in and saying "no" to her. I'm glad that eventually we at least somewhat made peace with each other before she passed...I'm sorry your mom didn't really get to do that.
Wow, talk about possessive!
Good that you stood your ground!. Cant imagined if she tried to force her way and end hurting your life by imposing everything of her on to you.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I like Magical Express too, but sometimes it can be so slow to arrive at the hotel. Or maybe it just seems long because I'm anticipating arrival at WDW. But you are right, it is a festive atmosphere.
I actually agree with others, the slow speed is relaxing.. when you finally get on top you finally feel "phew.. made it, now to enjoy!".
Its also a double edge.. sometimes the bus stops at more than one hotel.. but in the good side.. you manage to see other hotels if you haven't already.


Well-Known Member
I do this with my adult kids to and they do so very willingly. Should something happen people know where you were at, going and how you're getting there. My DD was attending a convention this past week, a ways away. I got a text in morning Leaving via McArthur. Then I'd get a text-Here- Then at night Leaving via Highway then Home a while later. I'll still get texts from my DS when he is traveling. Made it and usually once a day that says Alive. No real conversations just a paper trail.

Yep, similar here. We're all in contact on pretty much a daily basis, especially when any of us are traveling. :)


Well-Known Member
And more random shots.
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I noticed this detail at breakfast at Storytellers Cafe.
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A couple of food pics - the first one at Storytellers Cafe, the second is lobster mac & cheese at Crossroads. Both decent, but nothing to write home about.
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And finally a couple of silly pics. This is the wallpaper in the Disneyland Hotel bathroom near Steakhouse 55.
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This is my ride pic from California Screamin' with a couple who were clowning around.
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Thanks for all the followup pics!
Hahaaa...! And yes, the Matterhorn and palm tree juxtaposition is pretty cute...!
Thanks again for the 'em...! :)

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