The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


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yes, ROL and AVATAR will sure make me return.

But our eyes are now on a cruise to the Caribbean.
So bad Disney doesnt have one with the stops we wanted. We might go to Royal Caribbean. :eek:

A cruise would be fun too. I was very impressed with the Disney cruise line, but that was the first cruise I had ever taken. We are debating an Alaska cruise for 2017, but the Disney prices are so high I am considering Norwegian. I have had some friends cruise on Norwegian and be very impressed (and they are picky people). On Norwegian I could do a 14 day Alaska cruise with a balcony for a little more than a 7 day Disney cruise.


Premium Member
ajrwdwgirl thankyou for the link.. :) will certainly be looking at this

Goofyernmost. we live in a small village called Thatcham, my fiance doesn't like driving big roads / busy roads.. the main thing is alot of lanes (knowing what lane to be in etc) and she can panic easy. we are thinking about a car though.. we just thought that taking public transport would ease stress but im hearing this is not the case haha. our options are open though.. there is also the issue that she would like to let her hair down and have a few drinks...

Orlando may be a big city but doesn't really have a great public transportation system. It does have a public bus, I think it is called Lynx maybe. But compared to cities like New York, Chicago, or even Paris or London it isn't a city that you can just hop on a train or bus easily.

As for driving a car, things are pretty well marked. I get a little nervous driving in new places too, and driving on a different side than you are used to would freak me out a little too. You can always decide to rent a car when you get here once you get the feel of things.

Is your hotel a total lock? Maybe you would want to be near Universal/Sea World for a few nights, and then stay at a Disney resort. That might solve some transportation concerns. I don't know how many nights you are planning where but if your hotel had transport to Universal and Sea World but not Disney then you would only have to worry about transport to the first hotel and to Disney. Then Disney would take you to their parks and back to the airport. And if your finance wants to have a few drinks, it would be easy to have a few and then climb on a Disney bus. Just a thought. I guess it depends on budget, but the values at Disney aren't too bad. We have stayed at all levels of Disney resorts and really like staying at the Pop and I like All-Star Movies the time I stayed there. Whatever you decide I'm sure you'll have fun!


Premium Member
my fiance just confirmed that our hotel provides free transport to and from Busch Gardens, Universal and Sea World..

anything else to do in Tampa while we are there? i dont think we are going to spend the whole day at Busch, mainly just there because she loves the rollercoasters.. we'll be seeing animals at Seaworld and AK.

Clearwater Beach (beautiful beach) is fairly close, but without a car might be more difficult to get to. Maybe someone else knows if there is a closer beach. Or of something else to do in Tampa.


Well-Known Member
Four 90 minute episodes. Original Writers to bring the show to the conclussion they wanted before they sent it into a tail spin when they departed a year before the series ended.

The setting will be 8 year after the last episode, so Rory would be about 30 years old. Each of the 4 episodes will be considered a 'season' so I'm guessing it will move even quicker than before.
You mean it is even written by Amy Sherman- Palladino?? Omg that is so exciting!!!! I doubt they'll play it over here though...I'll have to find some other way to get ahold of it. I have the whole series on DVD, but I always wondered what really happened. I know they said Lorelai and Luke would most likely get it together eventually. But I'm sad that Richard won't be in it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my Dad was very much your Mom. My Mom would step in when he was crazy with his rules, as was his own Mother. We lived in the house next to my Gran until I was 6 in Chicago. My Gran had a two flat my uncle and his family upstairs and my Aunt who never married with my Gran. Gran ran everyone's life until my Mom insisted we move and we went about 30 miles west into the suburbs. Gran never got over that and hated my Mom for taking 'her baby away.'

I moved early from my folks house cause they both had some crazy rules unrealistic for a young woman. When my Sis went off to college and it was just me back there they got a bit too involved in my decisions and interests. When I got engaged my fathers response was I knew something like this would happen, that is why I should have not allowed you to move. Wasn't like something bad happened to me or got pregnant, just normal adult life kicking in. It isn't like I had a bad life by any means, it was pretty privileged, I had nice things and travelled a great deal. We get along just fine and when my Dad attempted to try and control how I raised my kids or them individually he got an ear full. My Mom knew better. I never had to pull the Mom card with my DD, my DS more some boundaries which were reasonable. My control thing with both of my kids before they knew what college was knew they were going, no choice. Neither of them regret having the education and actually both have plans of going onto Grad school.
I think with my mom it was fear. She didn't want me to make her mistakes. She just went about it the completely wrong way, trying to micromanage everything. If she didn't like the way I handled something at work, she'd call my boss and try to rearrange things. She wouldn't let me date or wear makeup or rat my hair, or peg my jeans. And when I was 19, she came to visit at college and she snooped in my drawers and found my checkbook and lectured me about how I was spending my money. Then when I got engaged, she told me I WASN'T engaged, because I didn't have permission to be. I told her that the law said I didn't need her permission, I could go to the courthouse and get a license and get married without her having any say over it, but that I wouldn't do that because I felt she needed to have the opportunity to see her daughter get married and I'd LIKE her blessing, but I didn't need permission. She all but disowned me for about 4 years over that, and then when I broke up with the guy and called off the wedding, she tried to keep me from dating. She told me I was too young (23) to date and that I should do everything in life I wanted to do before I started dating....I should be at least 30. I reminded her there's no magic age at which you are suddenly able to pick the right partner and waiting until her 30s had not worked for her as she was around 35 when she got married to my dad and they had a horrible marriage and got divorced after 13 years. Once she met my husband (before we were married, obviously) she loved him and had no problem with me marrying him. Our relationship started to heal...but she passed away less than a year after I got married, so unfortunately we never really got back the relationship we had when I was younger. Strict and controlling as she was, she was always there for me to support me with my music, or help with the theater productions I was in, or to talk to a teacher who was unfair, or to supervise the building of a homecoming float, or to take over my brownie troop when there was no leader....she did so much for us when we were younger. Just those 4 years of college when I broke away to make my own decisions, she couldn't handle it. And like you said, it wasn't that I got into any trouble or anything....on the contrary, I got mostly straight A's in college, graduated with honors, worked the whole time, payed my own bills...she just didn't like that I wouldn't let her call the shots anymore, and she never quite got over it before she was gone.


Well-Known Member
I agree. We raised ours with that united front too.

I hate the practice of Tickling. Something that never happened here. We had always always had a hands off policy here. Touching was never permitted and I never permitted it. There was no physical fighting, no tickling, no poking or overpowering anyone. Keep your hands to yourself kinda thing. I would have never allowed anyone to pin me or overpower me so it was natural not to ever let anyone do that to my kids or my kids to each other. It was also a life lesson from very young with my son. His sister was younger and tiny. It taught him to be a respectful man. No or stop means no. You don't get to ignore that because you are bigger, stronger and can overpower someone else. My DD had problems with an older boy student on the bus one day and it was beyond icky, she was in Middle School, DS was in High School already. I thought my DS was going to go down the road and make patio furniture out of the kid. Thankfully I was immediately able to get the Principal on the phone and he just had the Sheriff make a visit to the home.
I had problems with a boy in my class when I was...probably 15? Snapping my bra, saying disgusting things, making innuendos, etc. I told the teacher in the class where it was happening and he basically told me to suck it up. But I came home from school in tears every day and my brother finally went and slammed the kid against a locker and threatened him within an inch of his life and another teacher heard the commotion and came out and asked if there was a problem. It was a teacher my brother really liked and respected, so he said yes, and told her exactly what the problem was, and she marched both boys to the principal's office to discuss it like gentlemen and it finally stopped.
I don't mind tickling per se, as long as it's something that BOTH people are having fun with. But when the person doing it is the only one having fun, that's bullying and I don't like that, which is why I talked to hubby and told him he was in the wrong there. I don't think he really agrees with me, but he did apologize to DS.


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In the Parks


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I finally got one. It's funny, that in all the times I had been at the World since I was a kid, that I never had one. In any case, it was pretty smokey flavored - as @Goofyernmost said and was more like ham than turkey tasting. I'm not a big smoked meat fan. The other thing is that it was pretty greasy. I ate about 2/3 of it and called it done. Neither Mom nor DW were brave enough to finish it off! :) I'd say it's one of those things that you should try, but probably won't do a second time...

About 5 years ago, I finally tried a turkey leg. It tasted o.k., but it was waaaayyy too big for me. Plus, you either walk around with it, (but you can't go on rides, or in a gift shop with it), or you just stand someplace and try to eat it. If I could have cut some of it and put it on a plate, I would have liked it better (still wouldn't have finished all of it). But just standing up and eating a turkey leg without veggies and something to drink, was awkward to me.

Like you said, you try it once, and then never again! ;)


Premium Member
I've never used Uber, but I am open to trying it sometime. Hubby doesn't want me to try it alone when I go on my solo trip in March. He thinks I will encounter some crazy driver.

I've traveled solo to various places. Whether you use a taxi, Uber, a Mears airport shuttle, or Disney's Magic Express bus, just follow your instincts. If it doesn't feel safe for any reason at all, walk away. Yes, I've done that a few times over the years.

Now, if you have one of those fancy phones ;) that can send a text, just text the name of the service or cab company you're using, the license plate #, and/or driver's identification # (posted in all taxis--never used Uber, so I don't know what their procedure is, but you can still get a license plate #) to your hubby. Once you reach your destination, text or call hubby to let him know that you made it safely to your hotel. :)


Premium Member
About 5 years ago, I finally tried a turkey leg. It tasted o.k., but it was waaaayyy too big for me. Plus, you either walk around with it, (but you can't go on rides, or in a gift shop with it), or you just stand someplace and try to eat it. If I could have cut some of it and put it on a plate, I would have liked it better (still wouldn't have finished all of it). But just standing up and eating a turkey leg without veggies and something to drink, was awkward to me.

Like you said, you try it once, and then never again! ;)

I've never had a turkey leg, for many reasons. One of those reasons is just what you mentioned, it just seemed awkward to eat. When I tried the pork shank (now gone) at Gaston's. I liked that there was a place to eat it at a table, and forks and knives where around.

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