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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
That sounds so fun!! We can't do that here as you get a hefty fine if the kids aren't in school when they aren't sick. But we have a tradition for report card day....that's dessert day. They get to eat dessert for dinner, as much as they want of it. They look forward to that, and I hope it's something they will remember when they get older.

Love the dessert idea.

I flat out lied. Truth just caused problems except when I pulled them when they were small to go to WDW cause I needed their work. But for other things it was either a Doc appointment, family emergency (in emergency need of some family time) or best one I learned was a
Personal Day. I laughed at the attendance lady once when she asked me what the personal reason was? I asked what she thought the meaning of Personal was and was she required to divulge her reason to the district for a personal day? She went on to ask if my DD was going on a college visit? She was trying so hard to trip me up so my DD would have to serve a detention. I asked to speak to an administrator-she backed off. People with a tiny tiny bit of power over children. :rolleyes:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Wait what? Gilmore Girls??? Why have I not heard this? It was my favorite show! Are they restarting the series? Or is it a movie? Or what is it?

Four 90 minute episodes. Original Writers to bring the show to the conclussion they wanted before they sent it into a tail spin when they departed a year before the series ended.

The setting will be 8 year after the last episode, so Rory would be about 30 years old. Each of the 4 episodes will be considered a 'season' so I'm guessing it will move even quicker than before.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
THNX This was a battle worth picking as these are people who we see once a year and she made an extremely long drive to be with us when I was having my younger ds. My ds almost got over it when he found out there were a couple of boys there his age and they got to play video games and not have to hang out with the adults.

Yep, plus he is kinda young yet for opt'ing out. But even if he was a bit older the one thing I didn't have tolerance for was that last minute 11th hour thing upsetting the apple cart. That is how my DS wound up spending year 2 at a College he didn't want to return to. He waited until 2 weeks before the fall term was to start. It was too late to apply elsewhere and he could not sit out a semester. That was back when to stay on health insurance he had to be a full time student and once you fell off employer was not required to put you back on. That law has since changed but the manchild was not grasping the big picture of having a master plan.


Just Horsing Around…
Premium Member
Wow! I'm certain I never experienced that. But by the time my town I spent most of my childhood in got its McDonalds I was out on my own. If they would not allow a McDs in town, or liquior in its stores, hotels or restaurants it certainly wouldn't allow for food by shoot. Sounded like a great idea though.

My folks were not really into fast food so we didn't experience much at all the entire time we grew up. Here and there a pizza. But my Mom was a big fan of sweets. Sara Lee, well she was always in our home.

Because, after all nobody doesn't like Sara Lee! ;)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I lived with my mom after I graduated from college, but that was more because my mom needed someone to take care of her. I got a job teaching music at an elementary school in the next town over...40 miles away, but it meant I could live with my mom, help pay rent since she was unable to work, take her to her chemo appointments and radiation treatments, cook for her, arrange meals while I was gone during the day, etc. But it did save me money as well.
But my mom wanted me to live with her during college. She wanted to move to Laramie so I could live with her. I told her I wasn't going to live with her...I was going to live in the dorms. She got angry and told everyone I wouldn't let her move. I told her she was welcome to move if she wanted to, I just wasn't going to live with her. I never rebelled, but I was biding my time until college when I could finally be independent, make my own choices about where I was going when, etc. I wasn't going to have a guy ask me out on a date and tell him I had to be home by dark or I'd get grounded. I was 19 and I wasn't going to ask permission to go to the movies with my friends. I knew if I lived in the dorms, since I was paying for college myself, she would have no authority over me anymore. If I lived with her, I'd be subject to her rules...and that would mean being home by dark unless I was in class, not being allowed to go to out without permission, not being allowed to wear make-up, not being allowed to spend my own money without permission, and not being allowed to have a boyfriend, or maybe even date. I wasn't going to live like that as an adult, so I refused. It caused some major problems with our relationship because she couldn't stand to not have the control, but it was what I needed. I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing if kids come home and live with their parents after college if the arrangement works for them, but it depends on the people. It sounds like you had a much more realistic view and expectations than my mother. You wanted to help, my mother wanted to control.

Yeah, my Dad was very much your Mom. My Mom would step in when he was crazy with his rules, as was his own Mother. We lived in the house next to my Gran until I was 6 in Chicago. My Gran had a two flat my uncle and his family upstairs and my Aunt who never married with my Gran. Gran ran everyone's life until my Mom insisted we move and we went about 30 miles west into the suburbs. Gran never got over that and hated my Mom for taking 'her baby away.'

I moved early from my folks house cause they both had some crazy rules unrealistic for a young woman. When my Sis went off to college and it was just me back there they got a bit too involved in my decisions and interests. When I got engaged my fathers response was I knew something like this would happen, that is why I should have not allowed you to move. Wasn't like something bad happened to me or got pregnant, just normal adult life kicking in. It isn't like I had a bad life by any means, it was pretty privileged, I had nice things and travelled a great deal. We get along just fine and when my Dad attempted to try and control how I raised my kids or them individually he got an ear full. My Mom knew better. I never had to pull the Mom card with my DD, my DS more some boundaries which were reasonable. My control thing with both of my kids before they knew what college was knew they were going, no choice. Neither of them regret having the education and actually both have plans of going onto Grad school.


Just Horsing Around…
Premium Member
Or should I say CAUGHT-UP? I was about 25 pages behind and missing out on all the conversation! I've been doing a lot of traveling for work which unfortunately involved much windshield time - about 700 miles in these past 3 days. Glad to be home. Now I just have to figure out what is going on with this big storm that is supposed to come in on Tuesday. 13 to 24 inches of snow, Really? Maybe the Amish can loan us their rigs so we can put all the horses to work, cleaning off the driveway? o_O


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My husband and I do that, but we have a deal not to say anything in front of the kids. The kids have to believe that we agree on everything or they will USE it and play us against each other. So if one of us is being ridiculous, depending on the situation, the other will jump in and say "I'll handle this, go cool down" or wait until the kids are in bed and say "hey, don't do that, because...." Like, DS HATES being tickled...I think he has some sensory issues because he doesn't like loud noises and he always wants to take socks and pants and stuff off because they itch. So tickling is very uncomfortable for him and I don't tickle him. But hubby started tickling him the other day and wouldn't stop until he said "Mercy" but he didn't understand he was supposed to say it, so hubby just kept going and DS is saying "stop!" (he was laughing, so I wasn't TOO worried) so I told him to say Mercy, but there's this whole series here that you say..first it's "Mercy, Father" and then "A pot of ink" and then " <child's name> stinks"...anyway, he kept going until DS said the things, but he got so frustrated he finally just started crying and hubby got mad at him and told him if he didn't stop crying he would have to go to his room. In hubby's mind, he was just playing a game and DS got mad for no reason because all he had to do to make him stop was repeat the phrases. So later, I explained to hubby that that wasn't fair. He KNOWS DS hates to be tickled, then you tell him you'll stop if he says a certain phrase, so he does, but you don't stop, and then tell him he has to say something ELSE to make it stop....which he does, and then you STILL don't stop, you want him to say something else. He doesn't know how long it's going to go on, and you've basically now lied to him 3 times, telling him you'll stop if he repeats it, and then you don't. There's a certain point at which that's being a bully...he's not having fun anymore and you are torturing him for your own amusement because it's funny to YOU. So hubby went and talked to DS later and apologized for it. But if I'd said something in front of the kids, it makes daddy look bad, whereas if he goes back later and apologizes, it makes them respect that he can admit when he's wrong. It sets a good example.

I agree. We raised ours with that united front too.

I hate the practice of Tickling. Something that never happened here. We had always always had a hands off policy here. Touching was never permitted and I never permitted it. There was no physical fighting, no tickling, no poking or overpowering anyone. Keep your hands to yourself kinda thing. I would have never allowed anyone to pin me or overpower me so it was natural not to ever let anyone do that to my kids or my kids to each other. It was also a life lesson from very young with my son. His sister was younger and tiny. It taught him to be a respectful man. No or stop means no. You don't get to ignore that because you are bigger, stronger and can overpower someone else. My DD had problems with an older boy student on the bus one day and it was beyond icky, she was in Middle School, DS was in High School already. I thought my DS was going to go down the road and make patio furniture out of the kid. Thankfully I was immediately able to get the Principal on the phone and he just had the Sheriff make a visit to the home.

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