That's 'cause you were a father to girls. My mom and I battled so much through my young teen years and my father and I never fought. And yes, it was mostly my fault that my mom and I fought because like most middle schoolers, I was a mouthy little brat who thought she knew everything. Like most middle schoolers. Then, I got to high school, and it flipped. My dad and I would get into it. We still do a good bit. Lawyer+layer's daughter is a bad combination. Still love my dad, will probably always call him when I don't know what to do about the car, but we can definitely argue.
Then again, it also depends on the kid. My brother got into trouble repeatedly in elementary school while I never did. He can push both of my parents' buttons in ways I never could. The funny thing was that my mom somehow did not expect the same teenage angst in my brother that came with me as a teen, and so she still looks surprised. I've said to her before, "Well, what did you expect?" He is generally a good kid though. We both could have been a lot worse.