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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
That's 'cause you were a father to girls. My mom and I battled so much through my young teen years and my father and I never fought. And yes, it was mostly my fault that my mom and I fought because like most middle schoolers, I was a mouthy little brat who thought she knew everything. Like most middle schoolers. Then, I got to high school, and it flipped. My dad and I would get into it. We still do a good bit. Lawyer+layer's daughter is a bad combination. Still love my dad, will probably always call him when I don't know what to do about the car, but we can definitely argue.

Then again, it also depends on the kid. My brother got into trouble repeatedly in elementary school while I never did. He can push both of my parents' buttons in ways I never could. The funny thing was that my mom somehow did not expect the same teenage angst in my brother that came with me as a teen, and so she still looks surprised. I've said to her before, "Well, what did you expect?" He is generally a good kid though. We both could have been a lot worse.

Yeah my folks really didn't know how to pick their battles. They both grew up under some harsh households so in retrospect they did better than their folks did. My Dad had the desire to be the 'king' of the household though frankly he was rarely home, my Mom likely stressed because he was rarely home. We were very well provided for but both parents were very controlling and that doesn't make for pleasant teen years let alone 20 somethings. I moved in my early 20's. My folks and my Sis got into it after she just graduated college over what she could and could not do. Something she was certainly old enough to decide for herself. My Mom stupidly gave her an ultimatum my way or the highway. So she came to live with us in our first home. Then I was in the dog house for undermining my parents. She was 22 and I hadn't lived there in years. As old as I am my Dad and I still get into it now and then, once when he kept trying to over rule me with my son, a no no. But still we all get along very well, just at times you want to beat your head into a wall.

Me I took a look from young what imploded our home as kids and tried my best to pick my battles. Rarely do I ever respond to any dilemma in the moment. I take a big step back, sleep on it and draw a conclusion. Then it is a decision vs an emotional response. My DD and I never fought but like I said she was born an adult and often behaved/responded more maturely than many adults. I think back and I can't remember my DS and I ever having a 'thing' since after his freshman year of college when he was going to take some time off.....I won that battle. I picked that battle as one worth fighting. 2 weeks later his little tushie was back in his college dorm.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
and a few more






Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Most won't likely care but filming of Gilmore Girls starts February 2nd. Waited a long time for a real conclusion to the series. Sad though they waited until after Edward Herrmann had passed.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My aunt had a once-per-year free pass day for her kids. One time, her youngesr wanted to go to the zoo with his baby cousin (me). We all went to the zoo.

The plastic on the furniture one reminds me of Everybody Loves Raymond.

I grew up with plastic on our living room furniture. But then again we were not allowed in the living room. Nobody was. A concept I still do not grasp. It was for company and holidays. Both rare in the 365 days a year. I love that Raymond episode. Flashback for me.

My kids always got pulled out of school for Disney for a couple weeks each year. But I did pull them for fun things every now and then when weekends just wouldn't do. I remember when my DD got out of kindergarten one fall, it was a beautiful afternoon, we had tried to go apple picking but the weather wasn't cooperating. We went to my DS school and pulled him at lunch, a family thing ya know, and the three of us went apple picking. My DS still remembers the day I yanked him out of school to pick apple from a real tree.


Well-Known Member
Of course. The faces he's going to make on the ride will be funny at least I either have complaining or the silent treatment to look foward to:rolleyes::mad::banghead: BTW enjoy your kids while they're still cute.

Yep, if the teen years only bring a few faces and a little complaining, then you'll be as fortunate as we were. It wasn't perfect, but, never any major teen angst/drama, and definitely no drug or alcohol issues. Considering my not-so-pristine past, believe me, I'd know for sure... :oops: ;)
Hang in there, it sounds like y'all are raising them properly...! :)

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