The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Our first computer was a Macintosh. It was our first real exposure to life with computers in the 90's. My DS school, 3rd grade was getting its first true student computer lab the others they could only play games and such on. We bought the same exact Macintosh the school was purchasing and with the discount my Mom had being a teacher which was a substantial discount. It was easy to use and difficult to mess up. Very compact though the screen was tiny. It had both a CD on one side and a floppy on the other.


Sadly in that era both PCs and Apples were obsolete almost as soon as you took them out of their box. It was an expensive era. Our first PC was a Gateway which had wonderful support, program packages and we never ever had a tech problem with. Up next was a Dell PC, equally a fine piece of machinery. We only needed to dump the Gateway because it didn't mesh with the new dial-up. We finally dumped that Dell only because nobody was using it, we had many laptops and then tablets, it collected dust so my DH took it to work for parts after I removed the hard drive and slammed it with a sledge hammer many times.
We never had Macs. My parents bought their first computer, a Windows 95 Packard Bell (acquired by Acer and not sold in North America) the year after I was born. It was $4000. I know this because my dad still has the receipt. We had it for five years before finally getting an HP desktop with Windows ME (even though the 95 still worked; just needed the newer features) in 2000. That one lasted 9 years before we finally got the current HP desktop and my first laptop. No Macs ever.

We used these when I was in first grade


By the time I was in third grade, we got Dells. Kept a few Macs in the library, but other than that, we used Dells. Got very used to Windows and would get confused by Macs back then. If I had taken Journalism in high school a year earlier than I did, I would have had to use Macs for that class, but thankfully, the year that I started it was the year we got Dells. Why we still had old Macs in 2010 is beyond me.

Now I'm just set in my ways


Well-Known Member
Alimento-fine dining in LA. The owner has added a new line to the check beyond the tip line for server. He added a tip line for cook in attempt to raise the pay of all the kitchen staff down to dishwashers.

Now if you were a regular at this place would you want to stiff the kitchen staff?
No but I would like to decide who gets my tip. If the service was horrible but the food great, I would want all my tip to go the kitchen. I would then want the server to improve their service to earn my tip next time.
Ideally, I would like to have the option of paying for my meal according to how well it is executed. For instance, if I order a rare steak and it is not cooked correctly or mostly gristle, then let me pay half price for it. Some people would say send it back, but I don't trust people I have slighted working with my food. This is just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Ha! Me too. Were you the one that woke me up just in time to see it and doze off?

I ousted DH from our room yesterday, I'm getting a nasty cold so by the time they came home from work I was hunkered down in here trying not to *share* it with them. For whatever reason Walt won't come in here either.
Try elderberry syrup or pills. They are natural antiviral. All the nurses in our PICU use it this time of year. I personally have seen results.


Well-Known Member
Oh too funny. :hilarious: We are the hub of the Church's scandal here. I nearly spit my tea when I read your post.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard our leadership spout dribble like that in attempts to thwart parishioners away from their horrid misdeeds and secret society of cover-ups and shifting these creepity folk around. I praise our law enforcement who could careless about ruffling the feathers of leadership. Amen.

I say to them walk in my shoes when I have to tiptoe with my 10 year old son who was around these 2 creeps in attempt to make sure he was never harmed. Then ultimately having to explain to my son what these two men he was taught to respect did to youngsters his age. I have little use for canned editorials, beyond disingenuous and insensitive.
That is a very unfortunate situation. I was a RC growing up...and was an altar boy as were my 3 brothers. We never encountered any of that. We lived next door to the Rectory and across the street from the church. I left the church, but not for the reasons you stated, but I know that I could never be part of an organization that condoned and hid what was happening.


Well-Known Member
I heard that Branden Marshall was hurt and went by ambulance to the hospital with rib injury. I'm wondering if they are suspecting a pneumothorax or hemothorax. I hope not.

Yea, that didn't look good for him.
Last I heard, he had some fractured ribs and they were lookin' at his spleen.
Looks like he may be out for the season. Hope he recovers well. I hate to see that kinda' stuff happen, but, it is definitely an occupational hazard they are all fully aware of.

Also, before I googled, I was close on those terms, I think... I thought they meant a collapsed and/or a punctured lung.


Well-Known Member
I love my brother.

My new bathing suit and coverup came today. So I walked in his room after trying it on.

Without me saying anything, he says, "New coverup. I like it."

Okay, so he
1. Knew it was new
2. Complimented me without asking.

Good brother. Good brother.

I mean seriously, what 13 year old boy automatically notices these things, especially on his sister? Awesome ones.

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