The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I don't like I could go to Disney 2-3 times a year. A week is enough. And I don't even pay for it all. Just the plane ticket, alcohol and parks tickets. Parents have DVC which I will never buy myself. I would rather see the world. One can ride the rides for so long and not get bored with them.
I've got parents (well really, a father) who refuse to travel outside of the US, and at this point, I can't afford to go just myself. I've mentioned that I've been to other areas of the country though, including California and Hawaii.

I can't say that I've ever gone on a trip and done every single thing on that trip. Back in June, we did four days, and we did Blizzard Beach, Epcot, MK (for 7DMT) and DHS. In August, we're there for two and a half weeks, but most of that time is spent at the pool, so we'll only go in the parks for a few hours in the evening. In August, we spent the day we got there and the day we left in the parks all day. I went to DHS by myself one day, my brother and I went to MK one day (because my Sheldon-like brother wanted to ride CofP again after it broke down the night before), and we went to AK one day. My parents and brother did Blizzard Beach one day (I wasn't feeling well, so I hung back at the resort pool) but left because it was so crowded. And my brother and I did one partial day at Disney Quest.

This past January trip was neat because 1. it was without my parents and 2. We usually don't go in early January, so when I went, it was the first time I got to see all the holiday decorations, including that gorgeous castle with gorgeous castle with the ice. I also saw Beauty and the Beast for the first time in years. But even over 9 days, we still did not do everything.

This January, we will go back and do stuff we missed in August and do longer park days. But then we'll miss out on Splash Mountain and some others that will be being refurbished, so we'll hit those again in August.

I can't say I ever get tired of going or wish that we were going elsewhere. I've got a brother on the autism spectrum, so Disney is one place that he can enjoy to the fullest. But I also just really enjoy every trip. I love just being there. I have such fun every time.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
I wonder how many more people I can pi$$ off today?

Son #1 - "I need your car" - No, you were late for school yesterday, so no car for 3 days
"Give me money" - No, I paid $1500 for your New York trip last week, and you don't get any more until Friday.
($$ BTW is predicated on his attending school. Call it a bribe.)
He then proceded to harrass and berate me for half an hour.
Guess what, I stuck to my guns. No car. No cash. Just lots of BS being awful to me.

Bro #2 called late last night and said he was cancelling his 10:00 a.m. app't for this morning.
I tried to talk him into going. If anyone needs to see a shrink, it's him!
Anyway, he didn't respond to any of my texts last night or today, didn't actually cancel the app't (slept all day instead), and then phones me at 4:30, demanding I change my FB profile pic.

By now, I'm already pi$$y, so I said, "Whatever. Did you re-schedule?"

Get this, he didn't go to the app't because:
a) He hasn't had a shower in over a week (So, take one!)
b) He has no clean clothes (I'm sure the shrink doesn't care, plus you know ... washing machines ....)
c) He's just not up to it (Seriously, how can any of us help you, if you won't even take the little steps to help yourself?)

And, he didn't reschedule ... because he doesn't have their number. Says he has to wait for the office to call him.

I did however, change my profile pic, to one that doesn't include Tammy. I'm not totally heartless.
@JenniferS - making friends everywhere.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm always cold. I'm in jeans when it's 75 and most people are in shorts. And I don't mind Florida heat. My brother and I went to MK in August when the heat index was 100 degrees. We were both fine with that. Just drank enough and went on an indoor attraction every now and then for air conditioning. Yes, this is weird.

Last January when my parents were in WDW, I really ran their heat bill up. It was cold.

That is fair enough. You were home and they were at the World without ya guys.


Well-Known Member
Some may be stupid but I love them. :inlove:

1) My favorite actors/actresses/shows/music are all from the UK or Europe.
2. European accents are a major major plus. Esp. those Europeans who speak broken English
3. I love old buildings....and history
4. I love the closeness of the towns like Oxford, Cambridge, some cute Swiss town I saw on PBS
5. They all have their high taxes but free healthcare in the UK, economy, government, etc. I do not like cutting trees in favor of houses and towns in rural area.
6. If I could pick in Europe where I wanted to live and work. I'm not sure. England is lovely but it is slowly becoming USA 2. Ironic.

hottest people = Sweden
My best friends are twins...from England. :)


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I am so done with this semester.

First, a group member did not turn in a section of the group paper, which is due tomorrow, until 7:30 last night. I had asked for it on Sunday night. No explanation as to why it was late, even though he had received a personal email from me reminding him and numerous reminders via Facebook. Another group member was late because of technology, but he let me know last week about that. And then, this same guy, tries to send me his PowerPoint slides right before we're supposed to meet as a group today to go over the PowerPoint. I had already done his slides for him (and the other girl and I contacted the professor regarding his unprofessionalism this semester...last time he turned in something late he gave me some BS excuse in a FB message. I told him instead of writing a paragraph complaining in a FB message, he could have more effectively spent that time writing the darn paper).

The other guy was supposed to have his slides to me this morning. When did he send them? When I told them I would be in class. So I had to delay the group meeting until I could add his slides.

And then, I instructed the girl in the group to start the meeting early until I could get there (I had a class). None of them added in-text citations to the paper, so I asked them to do that before I got there. I got there and the girl had done it and so had the guys...on separate files, which is what I told them NOT to do. On one computer so that the project was done and all I had to do was turn it in.

After I reamed out the group member who had turned in his section late, I took a walk to clear my head and let them do it AGAIN, correctly this time.

Thankfully, the paper is turned in, the PowerPoint is done, we present tomorrow, and then I can be done with this nonsense.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I wonder how many more people I can pi$$ off today?

Son #1 - "I need your car" - No, you were late for school yesterday, so no car for 3 days
"Give me money" - No, I paid $1500 for your New York trip last week, and you don't get any more until Friday.
($$ BTW is predicated on his attending school. Call it a bribe.)
He then proceded to harrass and berate me for half an hour.
Guess what, I stuck to my guns. No car. No cash. Just lots of BS being awful to me.

Bro #2 called late last night and said he was cancelling his 10:00 a.m. app't for this morning.
I tried to talk him into going. If anyone needs to see a shrink, it's him!
Anyway, he didn't respond to any of my texts last night or today, didn't actually cancel the app't (slept all day instead), and then phones me at 4:30, demanding I change my FB profile pic.

By now, I'm already pi$$y, so I said, "Whatever. Did you re-schedule?"

Get this, he didn't go to the app't because:
a) He hasn't had a shower in over a week (So, take one!)
b) He has no clean clothes (I'm sure the shrink doesn't care, plus you know ... washing machines ....)
c) He's just not up to it (Seriously, how can any of us help you, if you won't even take the little steps to help yourself?)

And, he didn't reschedule ... because he doesn't have their number. Says he has to wait for the office to call him.

I did however, change my profile pic, to one that doesn't include Tammy. I'm not totally heartless.
@JenniferS - making friends everywhere.

I'm sorry that is awful on both their parts.

You are aware of the problems with your brothers and with the sons and someone is always being abusive, not doing what they should be doing and you are always giving them huge amounts of money, they are all adults. It never ends and likely never will until the gravy train ends and you refuse to accept the verbal abuse and laziness along with their total lack of taking responsibility for chores or having a job. They are all adults and can earn money if need be. I'd skip going to therapy with brother and go yourself. You need help figuring out why you are allowing these men in you life (minus DH) to do this to you and why you are compelled to fund them given the laziness, drugs and abuse. Maybe once you figure out your role in all this with so many men hopefully the pieces will come together on how you should proceed and get yourself out of this vicious, never ending cycle. Only you can stop this and end it. Tough love.

Did you Dad allow your brothers to be abusive to your Mom and did your Mom keep giving your brothers money?


Premium Member
View attachment 75695

22 days until Christmas. :happy:

Another GREAT picture!!

Hey, how are those Christmas cookies coming along? I know you started them about a week or so ago. Maybe in a few weeks, I might make a batch of those cut-out shaped ones, and decorate them before Christmas.

Do you want to know what I like best about baking? I love making a mess in the kitchen! :D :joyfull: It's like artistic expression . . . :inlove: There's flour all over the table, counters, floor, and some on me. (A little bit of it actually ends up in the batter bowl.) And I really like those little bottles of food coloring; red and green dots find their way outside of the bowls, too. Then, the frosting for the cookies is yum city, too. :hungry: I make sure I sample the frosting multiple times during the process ;), and sometimes I run out of it :rolleyes: before all the cookies get decorated . . . (I guess it's an occupational hazard.)

But, the cookie baking, decorating with reckless abandon, wolfing down cookies, and trashing the kitchen is: TRADITION I say! :happy: :happy:


Premium Member
Last night my DH had gone to bed early and the Pup with him. Walt had his head propped up on the throw pillow shams in my spot. DD kept trying to wake him to go with her without waking DH but Walt just grumbling. He was comfy on my pillow memory foam bed.

When will you all learn??!!! Stay the heck off WALT's comfy, dog memory foam, bed, will ya??!!!!!!! :jawdrop: :joyfull:


Premium Member
I am so done with this semester.

First, a group member did not turn in a section of the group paper, which is due tomorrow, until 7:30 last night. I had asked for it on Sunday night. No explanation as to why it was late, even though he had received a personal email from me reminding him and numerous reminders via Facebook. Another group member was late because of technology, but he let me know last week about that. And then, this same guy, tries to send me his PowerPoint slides right before we're supposed to meet as a group today to go over the PowerPoint. I had already done his slides for him (and the other girl and I contacted the professor regarding his unprofessionalism this semester...last time he turned in something late he gave me some BS excuse in a FB message. I told him instead of writing a paragraph complaining in a FB message, he could have more effectively spent that time writing the darn paper).

The other guy was supposed to have his slides to me this morning. When did he send them? When I told them I would be in class. So I had to delay the group meeting until I could add his slides.

And then, I instructed the girl in the group to start the meeting early until I could get there (I had a class). None of them added in-text citations to the paper, so I asked them to do that before I got there. I got there and the girl had done it and so had the guys...on separate files, which is what I told them NOT to do. On one computer so that the project was done and all I had to do was turn it in.

After I reamed out the group member who had turned in his section late, I took a walk to clear my head and let them do it AGAIN, correctly this time.

Thankfully, the paper is turned in, the PowerPoint is done, we present tomorrow, and then I can be done with this nonsense.

I think you're going to excel at whatever profession you choose, after you graduate from college. As for some of your classmates from the past few projects, I suspect they'll just end up stumbling their way through life.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
I'm sorry that is awful on both their parts.

You are aware of the problems with your brothers and with the sons and someone is always being abusive, not doing what they should be doing and you are always giving them huge amounts of money, they are all adults. It never ends and likely never will until the gravy train ends and you refuse to accept the verbal abuse and laziness along with their total lack of taking responsibility for chores or having a job. They are all adults and can earn money if need be. I'd skip going to therapy with brother and go yourself. You need help figuring out why you are allowing these men in you life (minus DH) to do this to you and why you are compelled to fund them given the laziness, drugs and abuse. Maybe once you figure out your role in all this with so many men hopefully the pieces will come together on how you should proceed and get yourself out of this vicious, never ending cycle. Only you can stop this and end it. Tough love.

Did you Dad allow your brothers to be abusive to your Mom and did your Mom keep giving your brothers money?
I appreciate the good vibes, but I am not the one who needs therapy.

The reason my brother needs to see a shrink is because he contemplated (and in fact, gathered the necessary tools to commit) suicide before I left on holidays. That is not someone you just cut loose.

I've shared how my family is rife with mental illness, going back multiple generations. I am the sanest one of the bunch. I try to walk that fine line between being an enabler and being part of a support system.
Should Bro #2 actually be found swinging from a tree branch, it won't be because I pushed too hard.

My kids on the other hand, are selfish, self-righteous little brats - both of whom should be out of my house by next fall. One in January, and the other when he goes away to school. :)


Premium Member
I appreciate the good vibes, but I am not the one who needs therapy.

The reason my brother needs to see a shrink is because he contemplated (and in fact, gathered the necessary tools to commit) suicide before I left on holidays. That is not someone you just cut loose.

I've shared how my family is rife with mental illness, going back multiple generations. I am the sanest one of the bunch. I try to walk that fine line between being an enabler and being part of a support system.
Should Bro #2 actually be found swinging from a tree branch, it won't be because I pushed too hard.

My kids on the other hand, are selfish, self-righteous little brats - both of whom should be out of my house by next fall. One in January, and the other when he goes away to school. :)

Prayers to you and your family. And speaking of family, you're certainly a welcome member of our chit chat forum, not to mention the other parts of the forums as well.


Premium Member
Christmas at Rockefeller Center is on tv now (8-9 EST). Looks like an interesting lineup of stars. I think I heard that the tree is 85 feet high, and I believe it's from Pennsylvania this year. (One of those bucket list things is to go skating at Rockefeller Center some day.) :)

Update: 8:34 p.m. This show has some good sing-along, familiar Christmas songs! I'm really enjoying it! :cat:
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Well-Known Member
Christmas at Rockefeller Center is on tv now (8-9 EST). Looks like an interesting lineup of stars. I think I heard that the tree is 85 feet high, and I believe it's from Pennsylvania this year. (One of those bucket list things is to go skating at Rockefeller Center some day.) :)

Update: 8:34 p.m. This show has some good sing-along, familiar Christmas songs! I'm really enjoying it! :cat:
I've watched people skate at Rockefeller Center. Does that count? ;)

I really liked Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga. She actually looked fairly normal for once!


Premium Member
I've watched people skate at Rockefeller Center. Does that count? ;)

I really liked Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga. She actually looked fairly normal for once!

They were quite the duo, weren't they?! :) (And I would have really liked her white outfit if it wasn't cut quite so low . . . :jawdrop: But other than that one detail, the outfit was beautiful.) I also like how they had both pop and country singers, as well as one Latin singer I believe, so there was music for many different tastes. The Rockettes were stunning. Wasn't that tree magnificent when they turned on all the pretty lights?! :happy:

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