The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
That was such a nice thing for her to do. I don't think I knew about this, and she DD had it done by a salon.
Well, I've donated mine 3 times. The 2nd time DD was 4 and had long hair and was very upset that I was going to cut mine. I explained to her that there were children who were sick and couldn't grow hair of their own and I didn't care if my hair was long or short, but that some little girl might get made fun of at school because of her hair. So if I could give my hair to that little girl and make her happy, I thought I should do was simple for me, my hair grows fast, and the length doesn't matter to me. She agreed and wanted to donate hers right away, but she was only 4 and didn't really understand that her hair would take years to grow back and I thought she might freak out after she actually cut it, so I told her that her hair was too short yet, but that the NEXT time I donated mine, she could do hers, too, if she still wanted to. She did, and we both donated and we're growing it out again now until next summer and we'll both donate again.


Well-Known Member
This is why I get so upset about the Syrian refugees here. There are a BUNCH of people who don't want them here and I keep thinking it's so hypocritical to turn them away when it was only 70 years ago that it was the Europeans fleeing in they won't take in people in the same situation as their parents, or grandparents, because they are a different religion? It really makes me upset.

I really feel bad for Europe about this situation. And that's all I'm going to say because this post is so tempting.


Well-Known Member
I was the same way. My curfew was "Be home before it gets dark", which is 5:00 in the winter. I was allowed to go to school functions like dances and ball games, but I was NOT allowed to wear make-up or date. When I was 17, my mom told me I could go out in a group that included boys, but I was not allowed to go out with the group including the same boys consistently. I think that's maybe why I was in so many activities...that was my social life. And the rules on school trips were much more relaxed than the ones at home. I didn't have to be in our hotel room on speech trips until 9, which felt late to me. And I was accepted in the speech and debate, music, student council circuit...basically the nerds. In my school, our area is big in coal mining so all the kids were pretty well off. My parents didn't work for the mine, they were divorced, we were poor. I didn't fit in there like I did in the activities arena. I know my mom loved me, and she supported me ALWAYS with my extra curriculars. She was at EVERY home game for which I cheered and a lot of the away games, too, and she came to speech tournaments...she knew my oratory speech almost as well as I did. And she used to listen from the front porch when I sang the national anthem at football games. So I know it mostly came from fear...she was terrified of what would happen if she didn't always have control over where I was and what I was doing. But it could have gone completely the other way if it hadn't been my personality to be a rule follower and people pleaser. My high school calculus teacher told me I was going to go wild when I went to college because I was such a prude in school and never let my hair down, but I only ever went to one party because it was a friend of mine and my brother's who was throwing it, and I locked myself in the bedroom and took a nap. I had no interest in drinking myself to oblivion and the music was far too loud to enjoy sober. :D I am just not a big partier. But knowing how those rules and my mom's disapproval affected me, I try really hard to be different with my kids. My rules are more loose. As long as the clothes cover everything that should be covered, I don't care if you wear a red checkered dress over pink polka dot pants and wear mall bangs! (mall bangs and peg-legged jeans were both verboten in my house) And my daughter has a faux-leather jacket. My mom said leather jackets were for prostitutes. My mother would be horrified by my parenting if she were still alive. LOL But DD is very mature and responsible already at 9. I imagine she'll be like your daughter...we'll let her fly pretty early. DS is 7, but acts more like he's 5. He's going to be a late bloomer.

What are mall bangs? o_O

French Quarter

Well-Known Member
I love your out look, the Doc not so much!

Don't mind him. :)



Premium Member
Yep, the doc gave him a whole bunch of info on eating healthier. He's reading it and says he's prepared to make some changes. :)

I just hope there's something tasty he can enjoy. What a drag that he has to change his diet now, even if it's the best thing for him. :( Maybe he can still eat some smaller portions of things he enjoys :hungry:, along with 2/3rds of his plate being the "healthy" :hungover: stuff.

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