Well-Known Member
Glad the polyp wasn't cancerous, hope wifey's. MRI goes well. You have had quite the medical week.
I just got back from the doctor myself. My A1cs (blood sugar levels basically) are up and doc and I aren't happy with me. I was not eating well or exercising enough. I am going to do better. I will schedule a relapse for wdw and food and wine festival, but I will behave.

Yes, it's been quite the week.
And, yes. Diets are already being modified around here.
I had a Mediterranean tuna pita sandwich and some chunky potato salad (not the mustard or mayo kind) for lunch.
It was no rack of pork ribs, but, it was plenty good.

Good luck with getting those numbers under control.
It's not as fun sometimes, but, as we all know, future Disney trips, in good health, for many years to come is VERY important.