Here's a little recap of my Saturday, not as fun as
@donaldtoo 's in NOLA.
The dog and I drove to get some groceries. Including breakfast of a small latte, croissant, and a cream filled donut. We enjoyed breakfast at home on the porch. Also picked up Princess and the Frog (I don't know why I didn't own this sooner.) The dog behaved in the drive-thru again, I bought her a dog toy in anticipation of her being good, she enjoyed it by tearing it to shreds later in the day.
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Then a friend called and asked if I want to go to a beer and food festival that was a fund raiser for the local Human Society at a restaurant near a river (and it is sunny and 70 degrees out). Beer? Food? Kindness for animals? I'm IN!!! In like Flynn! Here is a sample of my plate. (Blueberry BBQ pork slider, hot pretzel w/ beer cheese, beef stew, and lemongrass rice and pork with a very dark beer)
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By the time I get home hubby is home from his Chicago trip to see a Cubs game with his nephew. He also came home without Garrett's popcorn, which has the best cheese popcorn on earth! He claimed it was raining and didn't want to get caught in a storm. I think he owes me popcorn. But he did stop in the Wisconsin Dells on his way home and bought me a Flynn Rider doll (as a joke, and because I love Flynn) at the Disney Store Outlet. Cute, but I would rather have the popcorn.
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And my final highlight....our passholder magic bands came in the mail. In individual boxes, mine is shown. Hubby still doesn't know about the surprise trip in November, so when I asked him if he was excited to have our bands he just responded "yeah, but we don't need them until June." Hehehehe! We need them sooner. He just puts it down to my Disney geekiness and my supposed restlessness of trying to decide on a color!
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