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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
The last and only time I went to NOLA I was chaperoning 16 teenagers on a church trip, so it wasn't really a party for me! I would like to go back and enjoy some of the bars (in moderation of course) and enjoy some jazz.

We made a couple of trips down to NOLA when my DD was deciding between two different Universities. We had so much fun and only one scary moment when we went a bit too far in a direction we should not have. We stayed both in the French Quarter and the Garden District, both were lovely. I had some help with a member from another sight back then choosing hotels that would be appropriate for my liking and my 18 year old DD. We had a blast, I loved taking her into the thick of the FQ in the evening, it was fun and if she was going to go to college down there I wanted her to grasp what it was and what to watch out for. I look forward to going back someday.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
That would be one of my stops too. I bought a Pat O'Brien's powdered hurricane mix in NOLA at a souvenir shop and made it at home. It was tasty but I'm sure one in the actual restaurant/bar would be better!

The Scat's Club at Disney's FQ makes a pretty nice Hurricane. I had them make my DD one two and asked them to go much lighter on the hard stuff for her being 98#'s


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My youngest daughter graduated from Tulane in New Orleans. Loved parents weekends. I am going back there someday. I was actually scheduled to go to an AARP convention there in 2005. However, Hurricane Katrina beat me to it by a couple of months:mad: so I went to Disneyland instead.:happy:

Get the idea that instead of Disney meet ups we all should just head to NOLA instead for a long weekend? Dang the trouble we all could get into. ;)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
When I broke my wrist (same one for the 3rd time), I signed my name right handed and the clinics secretary was very impressed. Of course it took me a minute or two to sign my name.

You seem to be similar to my DD. She broke her foot 3x in the same general area. She actually thinks 4x's but refused to go to the med center during college for fear they would cast it again and that whole cast/dorm showers thing. She limped instead.


Well-Known Member
I feel like watching either a Studio Ghibli movie or one of the four WDAS movies I haven't watched yet (3 Caballeros, Make Mine Music, Melody Time, and Dinosaur) this weekend.

Any suggestions? I've already seen Nausicäa, My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, and Spirited Away from Ghibli.

So you haven't seen Ponyo yet? If not, I'd recommend that one. It's very cute.

I also liked Dinosaur.
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Well-Known Member
I had a couple shots (vaccines) today and my left, dominant, arm is in so much pain that it's almost impossible for me to do anything with it without wincing in pain. It's really weird since the shot hurt significantly less than the one into my right arm, and that arm feels fine!
Sympathy like. I hope today your arm is feeling better. I hate shots, make that needles of any type. I think it's because of a bad experience I had while getting blood work done. It took the person several stabs to try and get the blood out before getting somebody else who was smart enough to get a different size needle.


Premium Member
I love Jack! Walt always knows when I am BBQ'ing. He follows it in. Off to the side of my patio I have a marble bar that is about 12' long. It is raised bar height on 2 sides. The side that faces the patio is table height and has two ledges about 3 x 3 feet also marble. In the center is a big honk'n grill. It is an inline gas grill that not only has coal but it has various ledges for wood chips for smoking or regular coal. I have solar lights around it as the patio lights are not direct enough to see the food in the dark.

I BBQ year round. It can have a foot of snow on it and I will fire her up and the snow melts off by the time I am ready to put food on. The plus is, example a meatloaf will cook in half the time it does in my over, same with baked potatoes. I can cook veggies potataoes and meat all at once and not have any clean up after dinner. It is a win win. That BBQ'er is almost 30 years old, I replace the inline one shortly after we moved here. It was over $1000 back then and the marble bar was built around it. While ridiculously expensive I've gotten my monies worth out of it. I'd recommend getting a portable little solar light next year. Most of mine, I have many of them around the property came from Target. I buy them when they clearance there summer stuff.

Wow! That is an amazing setup you have outdoors. Sounds really attractive, too. No wonder Walt approves! And yes, I'd say you definitely got your money's worth out of that 30-year-old BBQ!!! There's not much you can buy that will last 30+ years!! ;)

What I like best about cooking outdoors is that it's saved me from putting on the oven for most of this summer. I hate heating up the house even more when it's already hot weather.

Addendum: I just did the math (on the calculator--you didn't think I did this in my head, did you??!!), and your BBQ works out to $33.33 a year, over 30 years. It will be even cheaper next year and so on. Considering the fact that you cook on it year-round, I'd say that's a bargain! :happy:
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Premium Member
Sympathy like. I hope today your arm is feeling better. I hate shots, make that needles of any type. I think it's because of a bad experience I had while getting blood work done. It took the person several stabs to try and get the blood out before getting somebody else who was smart enough to get a different size needle.

Must have been a rookie phlebotomist. An experienced tech would have figured that one out quickly.

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