The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
I'm with you. I tried dieting and it didn't work. I've lost 20 pounds since coming home from Hawaii just by reducing the amount that I eat and being more active. Now that I'm back in school, I just make sure that there is less snacking in between meals and I got for walks around campus during my breaks since there's minimal walking at my school normally. Eating lots of soup too. It fills you up but is still low calorie.

Oh, and ten of those pounds were in WDW, so...looking to lose weight? Go to WDW. :joyfull:
That won't work for me because I am of the correct opinion that food consumed, over and above normal consumption, while on vacation are zero calories. I think it's in the Bible someplace or a footnote in the list of the Seven Deadly Sins under Gluttony. Footnote: Behest thou aware that excess nourishment consumed whilst on vacation shall henceforth and forever be considered to not have happened! Amen!


Well-Known Member
@donaldtoo , your daughters are very nice people. You've mentioned before how they were Board members, and actively involved in their charity. I'm glad the event went well and that you all had a good time. :)

Thank you so very much. :)
I apologize to any that might be tired of hearing about our kiddos, but, it's difficult to be so proud of them and not share.
Nobody in the organization receives even one red penny for time, treasure, or talent, or for that matter, all the amazing businesses and folks that donated for the auctions.
It was a great evening for a great cause. :)


Premium Member
Thank you so very much. :)
I apologize to any that might be tired of hearing about our kiddos, but, it's difficult to be so proud of them and not share.
Nobody in the organization receives even one red penny for time, treasure, or talent, or for that matter, all the amazing businesses and folks that donated for the auctions.
It was a great evening for a great cause. :)

I don't think any of us here ever get tired of reading about the good works and positive energy from your family members. It's happy reading!! :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
You can't get a break these days! What next??!! :eek: (Or, then again, maybe your string of bad luck just ran out today, and you are on the road to all positive experiences from here on!) :)
I'm hoping for the latter.

I'm just glad I didn't have to argue with HP about the printer, which is only two years old and gets light use. Their customer service tends to be terrible. My guess is that they figured out that a batch of the printers were defective and decided that when the issue happens, regardless of the warranty status, they should just replace the printer. So some troubleshooting and some time on the phone and voila! New printer coming sometime either this week or next (they estimated that I would have it by the 23rd, but the manager said she was going to try to speed that up so I would get the new printer before then).

Printing at school isn't a huge deal. I upload the documents to our printing program, go to a printer, scan my student ID (which doesn't even have to come out of my wallet, RFID technology), hit release, and everything prints. No need to sign onto a school computer or anything. Sometimes I use the school's printing anyway since they give us a $15 allowance per month, black sheets are 15 cents for one side and 20 cents for the second side in black, color is a bit more. The allowance resets at the first of the month. My printer at home is more for convenience than anything. I got sick of fighting with my parents' printer all the time, which is not a wireless printer, so I had it set up so that I could still print from my laptop to it without plugging anything in, but the desktop had to be on. It was a gigantic pain. Having a printer in my room has been extremely nice.

What's been fun with my wireless printer was when my grandmother would come over, and every now and then, she'd say, "Oh, I'd love to print this" and within five minutes, I would have a printed copy, and she thought I was completely amazing. :joyfull: Every now and then, it would also randomly turn on and print something, and a minute later, my mom would come up and say, "Oh, don't mind me; just needed to print this from my iPad." :rolleyes:

It's also a photo printer, and I somehow keep getting free photo paper, so I've got more photo paper than I know what to do with. My new printer will also be a photo printer, but will have two ink cartridges instead of four, saving money. Should also mean that it should be even longer before I'll need a new printer.


Premium Member
I'm hoping for the latter.

I'm just glad I didn't have to argue with HP about the printer, which is only two years old and gets light use. Their customer service tends to be terrible. My guess is that they figured out that a batch of the printers were defective and decided that when the issue happens, regardless of the warranty status, they should just replace the printer. So some troubleshooting and some time on the phone and voila! New printer coming sometime either this week or next (they estimated that I would have it by the 23rd, but the manager said she was going to try to speed that up so I would get the new printer before then).

Printing at school isn't a huge deal. I upload the documents to our printing program, go to a printer, scan my student ID (which doesn't even have to come out of my wallet, RFID technology), hit release, and everything prints. No need to sign onto a school computer or anything. Sometimes I use the school's printing anyway since they give us a $15 allowance per month, black sheets are 15 cents for one side and 20 cents for the second side in black, color is a bit more. The allowance resets at the first of the month. My printer at home is more for convenience than anything. I got sick of fighting with my parents' printer all the time, which is not a wireless printer, so I had it set up so that I could still print from my laptop to it without plugging anything in, but the desktop had to be on. It was a gigantic pain. Having a printer in my room has been extremely nice.

What's been fun with my wireless printer was when my grandmother would come over, and every now and then, she'd say, "Oh, I'd love to print this" and within five minutes, I would have a printed copy, and she thought I was completely amazing. :joyfull: Every now and then, it would also randomly turn on and print something, and a minute later, my mom would come up and say, "Oh, don't mind me; just needed to print this from my iPad." :rolleyes:

It's also a photo printer, and I somehow keep getting free photo paper, so I've got more photo paper than I know what to do with. My new printer will also be a photo printer, but will have two ink cartridges instead of four, saving money. Should also mean that it should be even longer before I'll need a new printer.

I'm glad you'll be getting a new printer, and it sounds like a very nice one as well.

I was curious about your student ID with the RFID chip in it. The credit card companies have been sending out the new chip and pin cards lately. I bought a small pack of RFID protective sleeves to slide over any chip cards in my wallet, to protect the signal (information stored on the chip) when not in use. Not sure how well they protect the chip cards, but I figured what the heck--I'd try it. I've got one on my (commuter) train card as well. (That one is just a tap on the pad on the bus or in the train station, to gain entry.)


Premium Member
That won't work for me because I am of the correct opinion that food consumed, over and above normal consumption, while on vacation are zero calories. I think it's in the Bible someplace or a footnote in the list of the Seven Deadly Sins under Gluttony. Footnote: Behest thou aware that excess nourishment consumed whilst on vacation shall henceforth and forever be considered to not have happened! Amen!

The biblical slant to this phenomenon is fine. But there is another explanation as well.

Apparently, many people don't realize that WDW is at zero gravity, and we are all weightless there. We can eat as many cupcakes, TS dinners, Mickey bars, Dole Whips, Zebra Domes and anything else we want to shovel down our throats, and we won't gain an ounce!!! :hungry: :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
Maybe you could plan a snowman party for mid-winter, to help you chase away your S.A.D. You could invite friends, or family, or some of the church members where your husband is a pastor. Everyone could make snowmen, (either in groups or solo) and there could be hot chocolate, hot cinnamon-spiced cider, and warm apple fritters. Wouldn't that be fun? :)
Apple fritters sound so good right now. :hungry:


Well-Known Member
The biblical slant to this phenomenon is fine. But there is another explanation as well.

Apparently, many people don't realize that WDW is at zero gravity, and we are all weightless there. We can eat as many cupcakes, TS dinners, Mickey bars, Dole Whips, Zebra Domes and anything else we want to shovel down our throats, and we won't gain an ounce!!! :hungry: :joyfull:
Good point, but, that is harder to believe when it isn't written in biblical type language. Also, what happens when you leave the property? Do you just blow up to the size of the Goodyear Blimp?:jawdrop: I'll go with mine, same result with a strong biblical connection. You can't go wrong with that.:joyfull:


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
@catmom46 Continuing on with the cat story...

She snuck out to the garage again last night. My mom went to pet her, and she had dirt on her face and cobwebs in her whiskers. Today, now that the door is closed again, she sits there like, "Please let me out again" and we're like, "Uh, no you can't go out there!"

She's also gotten more brave since her little adventure. My brother was trying to get her off of his chair. She refuses to move when he tried to gently push her off. He tried tilting the chair, and she wouldn't move. He finally tilted it more than 45 degrees and she got off. She's getting braver. Like, "I've been out in the garage; I am invincible."


Well-Known Member
@catmom46 Continuing on with the cat story...

She snuck out to the garage again last night. My mom went to pet her, and she had dirt on her face and cobwebs in her whiskers. Today, now that the door is closed again, she sits there like, "Please let me out again" and we're like, "Uh, no you can't go out there!"

She's also gotten more brave since her little adventure. My brother was trying to get her off of his chair. She refuses to move when he tried to gently push her off. He tried tilting the chair, and she wouldn't move. He finally tilted it more than 45 degrees and she got off. She's getting braver. Like, "I've been out in the garage; I am invincible."

Kinda like this, right?


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Premium Member
I, of course, cannot speak for others, but, the only thing that has ever worked for me was, what others considered, over simplistic. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to deny myself the foods that I really like. Life is short whether you're overweight or not. So I decided to just eat what I always ate but in smaller quantities and then I became more active. I played more golf (even with a cart) and walked every other day. Outside if it was nice or in the mall if it wasn't. Over three years I lost 80 pounds, 10 inches off my waist and even 4 inches off my neck.

I had a lot of excess to begin with and I am still not down to the place where I figure that continued success without some other additional effort may be difficult, but, I'm pretty happy for two things. The first is that I have lost a lot of weight and that I kept all my clothes that I had expanded out of and can wear them again. Now I have to make the move to get rid of my big fat clothes to make room for my not as fat clothes. Somewhere along the line I will need a whole new wardrobe.

I agree with your plan smaller portions and more exercise. That worked for me last time, I even measured out portions with a scale and measuring cups, and then I got complacent (and my mom died so I got depressed and ate not really caring for awhile). Hubby and I are starting back on the path to success tomorrow. I have clothes I really like that I would like to wear again. But like you said life is short so there might be a splurge or two along the way.


Premium Member


Premium Member
I have to laugh at this because it reminds me of something my daughter did. When she was about four. I was washing dishes when she asked if she could have some oreos. Since my hands were wet I told her to take the package have a few and then bring it back, which she did. Finishing the dishes I figured I'll have some oreos. My daughter had licked all the creme centers from the cookies and put them back in the package. :joyfull: Needless to say that package was all hers after that.

Smart girl! The cream centers are the best part of Oreos.


Premium Member
Maybe you could plan a snowman party for mid-winter, to help you chase away your S.A.D. You could invite friends, or family, or some of the church members where your husband is a pastor. Everyone could make snowmen, (either in groups or solo) and there could be hot chocolate, hot cinnamon-spiced cider, and warm apple fritters. Wouldn't that be fun? :)

That might be fun. Although last year we didn't get enough snow at once for that kind of party! Lots of cold last winter but not a lot of snow. Maybe this winter will be different.

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