The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
It really has not been a good few weeks in our circle.

First off, instead of being told I need PT for my thumb or a bit more healing time, I'm told I need surgery plus several weeks in a cast.
Last weekend, my brother's best friend, who is like another little brother for me, broke both bones in his ankle playing soccer and can't even go back to school for a few weeks because of it.
And now my step-grandfather breaks his hip, which is the worst out of all of these.

This has not been a few good weeks.:(


Well-Known Member
Those were great times, to study and appreciate what went into the design of buildings. I loved the use of brick and stone together. But , many of those buildings have been torn down for glass. I like glass too, but I wish that our city planners could see that old has it's place as well as new.

Yes, glass curtain wall can look very nice if it's varied, but, IMHO, looks like carp if it's just a shapeless rectangle disappearing up into the sky.

On a good note, we don't design many skyscrapers, but, our commercial dept. has desingned many notable buildings, with masonry, metal, wood, stucco, etc..
They look really good, and I'm proud of our firm. :happy:


Well-Known Member
I was in the kitchen a lot when I was a kid. When my mom went back to work when I was in the 5th grade she often worked nights, so after a few months of my dad making hamburgers and burnt fried potatoes I took over the responsibility of cooking when she worked nights. My older sister didn't have much interest in cooking. Needless to say my husband really appreciates that I am interested in cooking and baking.
I started cooking around when I was ten. By that time my older sisters were married and my dad worked a lot. My sister and I were creative with whatever we found in the cupboards.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Contaminated fruit and veggies can come from different areas, whether from here in the U.S., or from Mexico or Canada. The issue with the tomatoes may not have come from Mexico a few years ago, and that's good they found the correct source, finally.

However, the cucumbers may have come from an entirely different region or farm in Mexico, and there could still be a chance that the salmonella came from there this time. We've had a number of cases in the U.S. where fruits and vegetables grown in the USA, were responsible for making some people ill. Oddly enough, one of the biggest culprits was sprouts, of all things. Hasn't happened for a few years, but I do recall some years ago that it happened about 3 times in just over a year--all different areas and different farms.
yeah, its just annoys me the fingerpointing is always on Mexico first (unless the products is obviously only produced in the US)
The Mexican tomatos got hit hard by fears of supposed contamination. This can put many companies out of business.

Note that this is not the first time that some US companies have used similar tactics to damage the reputation of Mexican products so they do not enter the US soil.
Like claiming the Tuna companies in Mexico kills more dolphins than any other Tuna fishing country.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
It really has not been a good few weeks in our circle.

First off, instead of being told I need PT for my thumb or a bit more healing time, I'm told I need surgery plus several weeks in a cast.
Last weekend, my brother's best friend, who is like another little brother for me, broke both bones in his ankle playing soccer and can't even go back to school for a few weeks because of it.
And now my step-grandfather breaks his hip, which is the worst out of all of these.

This has not been a few good weeks.:(
might be a good idea to start stocking up lottery tickets.
Usually when theres a big bad row of bad luck.. there is always karma balancing it back.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
The medicine as advanced a lot. My aunt (whos almost 80) had a full hip-pelvic area replacement (both sides). She was in rehabilitation but doing fine now.
I'm pretty sure your gran will be fine. keep the faith up! :D
He's having surgery as we speak right now so that he can walk again. Apparently, they did this procedure on a 104-year-old woman and it was successful. Keeping our hopes up.


Premium Member
It really has not been a good few weeks in our circle.

First off, instead of being told I need PT for my thumb or a bit more healing time, I'm told I need surgery plus several weeks in a cast.
Last weekend, my brother's best friend, who is like another little brother for me, broke both bones in his ankle playing soccer and can't even go back to school for a few weeks because of it.
And now my step-grandfather breaks his hip, which is the worst out of all of these.

This has not been a few good weeks.:(

I hope your luck turns around. And I hope you all heal fast!


Premium Member
I started cooking around when I was ten. By that time my older sisters were married and my dad worked a lot. My sister and I were creative with whatever we found in the cupboards.

I'm actually glad I was give or at least took over that responsibility. It was fun and I enjoy food and cooking. Sometimes I think it would be fun to open up my own bakery. At Christmas time I wonder if there would be any interest in starting up a temporary Christmas baking service, for the people who want homemade cookies but don't want to bake. Maybe if this teaching gig doesn't work out....

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